Mark Rosenberg


Mark Rosenberg
Last Active
Member, Administrator, Moderator, Staff


  • Dear Mark
    I have a similar situation with regards to replies from Hipstamp regarding issues with Bulk Lister. I have sent 2 emails to Hipstamp regarding Bulk Lister over the past few days without response. This is causing me problems with my listings as I have over 200 items to list and using the Bulk Lister is the most efficient way to do this. Why does it take so long to respond to my issues?
    June 2024
  • My mother is 83 years old, she has been fond of collecting stamps since she was young and this was passed down to me. My mother said that in the future these stamps could be very valuable if found by stamp collectors. Is that true? My mother is currently suffering from stage 4 cancer, and is currently struggling with it. Are there any stamp collectors who want to buy my mother's stamps? At least we won't have any problems regarding money for medical treatment in my mother's old age.Cek my IG @iwandanar to see a few of the stamps. Thanks.
    April 2024
  • Cek my ig @iwandanar can i sell may stamp?how to determine the price of stamp?
    April 2024
  • I am trying to determine how to list multiple copies of a stamp I'm selling. For instance I have 5 Plate Number coils to sell. When I fill in the listing information, I don't see anywhere that allows me to say I have 5 strips to sell. Thoughts?
    Stuart Schwartz
    April 2024
  • Dear sir Rosenberg or any person still active for help on Hipstamp,
    I do know it is late on Sunday morning,but I have a big problem with feedbacks posted,
    please I need someone to help me as soon as possible.
    Bernard Bouchard
    from Québec in Canada
    March 2024
  • Is anyone having issues listing stamps?
    November 2023
    • bob burger
      bob burger
      it has now been over 30 hours since i was able to list a stamp. what is up. how much longer.
      bob burger
    • John Egan
      me too Bob.
  • I have been waitinG FOR TWO DAYS for a reply from someone at hipstamps help. Please help--it has been 3 days since i was able to put a new listing up.I have been very patient---help please, John Egan
    November 2023
  • I am a new user to Hipstamp. does anyone know how long a buyer has to pay me for 10 lots they bought but never paid for
    June 2023
  • Hi Mark
    Question about APS joining Hipstamp when will see what is on offer instead those crazy test listings, is this some sort of joke.
    This is not good for HS or APS credibility!!
    October 2022
  • Mark,
    Just wondering if you are still an active member of Hipstamps? Len
    August 2022
  • Hi, Mark, When I login my cart shows that there are 10 items for purchase I've put there. However, when I click in this cart it shows me only one item –– presumably, the last one. What does this glitch mean and what I am supposed to do to buy items?
    May 2022
  • Kim Edwards
    2 sellers on Hipstamp with the same issue > Mark today April 5th 2022,and the please Add Credit Card Function (Not Working) at my account ,And "Will Not" accept my Credit Cards.I've been a Active seller since Sept 2017.Notes - Now i feel i should file a formal complaint with The Gov.Consumer Affairs regarding this situation! Because now i cannot post new stamp products in my Hipstamp store.!! My credit card has always worked in the past.!! A Ripoff Report will be submitted soon.If this matter is not resolved soon.!!

    Msg Robwig5 - StampsAmerica-USA
    April 2022
  • Dear Mark
    I just like to know ,How do I can see "SOLD history " ?? of any item
    it will help me to do a right list ..I might have the same item for sell.

    I just subcribe HipValue monthly $5
    help me to find the button to click ( in where i would be able to see SOLD history of an Item
    November 2021
  • Hello Mark,
    I had taken a hiatus from HipStamp for some time and recently resumed frequenting the website (after a year and a half or so). I was trying to reacquaint myself to the website and checking to see if there were new features. When I came upon the store activation site I accidentally clicked on the button to activate the store. Less than a minute later, when I realized that I had activated the store I immediately closed it. When I went to the Members Area a while later I found that I was being charged $10. I submitted the issue to HipCommerce and they replied that they were going to check into it. This happened on July 4. I'm still waiting for their input and now I find that HipStamp wants $10 from me or else they will suspend my account. I have tried to get help through the appropriate means but got nowhere. I'm very upset about this and I shouldn't be charged for something that was done in error and immediately rectified. What should I do?
    August 2021
  • $234.40 was charged to my account I didn't make that purchase I need a refund how do I do that
    July 2021
  • HI Mark,
    Can you please tell me how I can track an order. One of the dealers I purchased with said that one can look up the day it was mailed on Hipstamp, through hipstamp tracking. I can't seem to find this. Please advise, Thanks,
    April 2021
  • Mr. Rosenberg,
    I am trying to use Bulk Lister but I'm having some trouble. All my entries don't get listed. Some of them make it fine but others don't make it. I pulled the report and for the items that didn't get posted, it says "ERRORS: This item was skipped, as it is currently an Auction (and can not be updated as a Store Item)". For most of the items that didn't post, there was another stamp of the same catalogue number currently in an auction. But, for a couple that didn't make it, there wasn't another stamp in an auction or anywhere for that matter.

    My question is, if I have a stamp US #299 currently in a auction, can't I use bulk lister to add another one? I'm just a little confused. I love the tool but just cant seem to figure this out. Any help would be appreciated.
    December 2020
  • Tracking not available as you describe
    May 2020
  • J. Reeves & Co.
    Hello, my items are now syncing (I’m new); however, my listing are having extra characters added during the syncing I.e. normal”> I use a template on eBay and use BOLD print and some COLOR. I was thinking that was the issue, so I put another item on eBay and didn’t use any special formatting. The extra words are still there. Any advice? Thanks
    March 2020
  • Hi rich 107 .. Please separate the invoices .. I am having problems paying .. Click icon PayPal .. Goes to site page but nothing about payment .. No other pages .. Tried 5 times .. I use visa card and signed up to PayPal and they make the payment you have a phone # .. I made 3 payments la SF t week with no trouble .. Thsnks
    January 2020
  • Hello Mark,
    looks like I discovered a bug in your bookkeeping system, but all my attempts to bring it to attention of someone who understands difference between debit and credit were successfully blocked by a 'new kid on the block' in Customer relations department so far: after an answer in the very famous eBay style "We'd be more than happy to help!" - dead silence when facts were presented, three times in a row.
    Would like to discuss my discovery, so would be grateful if someone from management would contact me directly.

    Kind regards,
    Igor Onipko
    October 2019
  • HI.....I hope this message gets to Mark Rosenberg. I have been with bidStart for years and was hoping eventually that I would be able to close me eBay store. When Stanley Gibbons purchased bidStart, I stayed on paying my monthly fees, event though nothing sold. I stayed on in the hopes that Stanley Gibbons would be successful, and also to keep my inventory available so that I would not have to redo all my verbiage and pictures all over again. Well that did not happen, and it looks like bidStart is now HipStamp, and I am still not selling anything, even though my items do very well on my ebay store, rayem723. I've been working on my HipStamnp store to see If I can get my product to collectors that would like my items that I have collected for over 50 years. What I am asking is, would you please review my items and comment on if my items are displaying properly, or what ever comment you may have as to why you think my items are not selling on HipStamp., Thank You, Ray
    September 2016
    • Thaddeus Bejnar
      Thaddeus Bejnar
      How do I find your stamps on HipStamp? I tried:
      but it didn't work.
    • Raymond Morton
      Please try searching for rayem723 or Shamrock Stamps. Would you please email me if you were able to view my store or not find it. Thank You, Have a great day, Ray
    • Derek Marjoram
      Derek Marjoram
      I am hanging in by the skin of my #### at the moment, paying the fees and getting no sales at all, just wondering if the word Hipstamps is not a name someone would search to look for stamps, feeling very disillusioned and now wondering if I should just close my site and save my funds and effort. Wondering if the search for hipstamps is linked to Google to get more coverage, Bidstart was not exactly a top performer but at least I use to sell something to off set the fees
    • Hal Nathan
      Hal Nathan
      Derek, dont get upset as you have done all the pictures and can use them elsewhere instead of redoing them all over again...I have just joined and have not got a shop yet...I am busy doing my pics and having them ready but with what some of you people say in here, hipstamp is not the place to be.... I also want to get rid of all my thousands of dollars of postage and that is what i want to place on packages...oio
  • Michael David Hiltner
    Not too sure if this is like a PM area, but I thought I might give it a go...

    Could you do a Bulk Change for me on my American Postal Price (I thought I would be able to change this, but was unable).

    The present price is $2.95USD, should read $2.50 (Brain Fart!).

    April 2016
    • Mark Rosenberg
      Mark Rosenberg
    • Anthony Hodgson
      Hi Mark I have a store, World stamps. I am having trouble with Shipping in Choose a location it will not a accept anything, I managed to make some work by entering GBP0.75 but in general it is a shambles, some are free or no shipping details.
      Can you help I have had my store since September with now over 500 listings Can you help with this problem.
    • Fernando Perez-Maldonado
      HI, I have a question, if I only list postage stamps, I do have to fill the weight of the item, but WHAT IS THE WEIGHT OF ONE POSTAGE STAMP????
    • Hal Nathan
      Hal Nathan
      Fernando, calculate the package as an ounce or so as you will have cardboard in there...
  • I have been an active seller with you for years. All my sales stopped when you sold BidStart to Stanley Gibbons. I stayed on through the Stanley Gibbons fiasco, with only a few sales, and I was Very Happy that you Started HipStamp, thinking that my sales would start up again. Unfortunately for me, they have not. I am not a dealer, nor a big seller, but I was able to sell some of my items to collectors with my BidStart store. Yes, Sales are also down on eBay, but at least I do sell some items. That being said, I'm sorry to say that I have decided to close my store on HipStamp and continue only with eBay. I do not have a store fee on eBay, as I only list 50 items per month. I do take advantage of their monthly promotional, which I receive from them to list additional items in addition to my monthly 50 allotment. I Just can’t continue to pay a HipStamp store fee every month with no sales. For my HipStamp store closing, I will start a promotional sale with 20% off until Feb 1, 2017, to see if anyone is interested in any of my items. after which I will close my store. Good Luck, Ray
    January 2017
    • Hal Nathan
      Hal Nathan
      Raymond....I am the opposite...Sales on ebay are useless and that is why i just signed up with hipstamp....Ray, instead of listing and giving 20% off...why dont you use the stamps on your packages??
  • James Henson
    Hi Mark
    I recently won two items at auction from the same seller but the items have failed to post into my "Purchases" or "shopping basket", for me to pay for them, how does HipStamp get auctions closed and posted? (They show "open" even though auction has @closed". I thought it was automatic that a "You won Auction item # xxxxx" email was generated when the auction closed showing me as the high bidder. No such email was generated for either item in my case. Been 10 hrs and still no emails or a way to pay as no invoice has been generated by HipStamp software. Is this a system failure or a seller failure??
    Anyone? Help?
    April 2017
    • Hal Nathan
      Hal Nathan
      I would not worry until the seller comes to you and asks for the money...That way you can ask for the invoice.
  • Hi, Mark -- All of a sudden, I was dropped! This despite the fact I'd kept up with payments (until you stopped billing me). Is there any way for me to recover all my listings? Also, for the paltry $5/month, is there any way to pay this in advance, for say a year?
    December 2017
    • Hal Nathan
      Hal Nathan
      Thomas...Why dont you work the same way as i do with ebay...Instead of just paying your monthly fees, up it another 20.00 or so and make yourself in credit...No company will not accept more money than necessary....In all my 20 years in ebay it has worked for me.....I am just new on here
  • Looking for some help I don’t know anything about stamps and don’t know where to go with what I have.
    I have 2 stamps of Eisenhower and eight off Hitler that I really don’t want to keep but don’t want to give them away and more.
    December 2018
  • Hello Mark,
    Back in 2016 you said that HipStamp was going to implement a saved search feature similar to eBay's. If this came to pass I can't find any info in it. Care to comment? - Loyal
    January 2019
  • Hi Mark, a quick question from a new seller on your site: is there a way to export a CSV or Excel file with all of my listings? I need this to generate the value of my inventory for tax purposes and haven't been able to figure out how to do it. Thank you! - Andrew
    December 2018
  • Hallo! Beim Import Synchronisation von EBAY nch HIPStamp werden meine Österreichischen Briefmarken in HipStamp in x-beliebige Länder zugewiesen. Warum? Was kann ich machen, damit die Briefmarken in Österreich (wie in EBAY) eingereiht sind?
    December 2018