My HipStamp Store Items Are Apparently Now Automatically Included in the APS Store

I just received the following question concerning some Cyprus stamps that I had listed for sale yesterday in my HipStamp store. Please note that although I am an APS member, I have never listed any material for sale in the APS Store.

Hello okstamps,
I am very interested in buying the Cyprus stamps that I have picked out from your APS Store.
However, when I tried to pay for them, Hipstamps told me that you will not ship to me.
I live in Winchester, Hampshire (England) which information I've found VERY disappointing indeed.
Please can you reconsider, and make a potential overseas sale?
I am a member of the Cyprus Study Circle in the UK.
Kindest regards and my sincere thanks for any assistance that you can offer me,

I stopped selling outside of the United States several years ago because I kept getting pestered by people wanting me to ignore the US Postal Service regulations concerning the sending of merchandise through the mail. They did not want to pay for the International First Class Package rate that was required for merchandise. I kept getting the "Others can ship at the International Letter Rate, why can't you?" HipStamp is set up to make my store invisible to those who live in countries that are not included in my "Ship To" list. Everything was working very fine until today when I received this direct message through the HipStamp mail system. Apparently my HipStamp store items are now automatically listed in the APS store. Big problem if I am going to start getting pestered by people outside of the United States wanting me to sell to them.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Each store on HipStamp, including the APS StampStore, only includes their own listings and does not include listings from other sellers. Most likely, the buyer in this case meant "HipStamp Store".
  • Mark,

    Why is someone in Great Britain even able to see my store when I have limited my sales to United States residents only. I thought this blocked residents of countries from outside my "sell to" list from seeing my store items.
  • It does block them from buying. If they enter US as their ship to location they can view the items and send messages to you about them. That's how I think it works anyway.
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