The new Hipstamp sucks
I can't understand how the morons at Hipstamp can even remotely think this new system is better than the old system. You had the most user friendly site but now it is just horrible and completely user unfriendly.
Today I had a customer who found a mistake in one of my listings. It used to be that ypu would go to view my store , type in the country & catalog number, hit search and there it was. After about an hour or so I still haven't figuered out how to find a listing in my store. I view my store and try to type in the country & ctatalog number hit search
and nothing at all happens. Period!!!! I have no idea what to do. This is a real
improvement huh??
Everything about this new site is either harder to use or doesn't work or is alot slower than before. An improvement? That is BS.
The people responsible for programming this junk should at the very least be fired. If I did my job tris poorly I wouldn't have one , why do they?
I am so frustrated with this site that i will probably end up closing my store soon and I've been here since March 2005.
Today I had a customer who found a mistake in one of my listings. It used to be that ypu would go to view my store , type in the country & catalog number, hit search and there it was. After about an hour or so I still haven't figuered out how to find a listing in my store. I view my store and try to type in the country & ctatalog number hit search
and nothing at all happens. Period!!!! I have no idea what to do. This is a real
improvement huh??
Everything about this new site is either harder to use or doesn't work or is alot slower than before. An improvement? That is BS.
The people responsible for programming this junk should at the very least be fired. If I did my job tris poorly I wouldn't have one , why do they?
I am so frustrated with this site that i will probably end up closing my store soon and I've been here since March 2005.
Normally if someone tells me I have a problem with a listing, they have contacted me from the listing they are questioning. I simply open that listing from the message that I was sent and make necessary changes. If they sent you a message from another listing or a direct email, you can follow John M.'s suggestions if your screen provides you a menu; however I don't always have that option. Many times I don't have a menu option available, but only Sign In, Sign Up and Cart. In this case, I click on Sign In. Then I proceed to the Selling Area and click on Listings. This brings you to a page that shows all of your listings. Simply type in County and number in the box "Listing Title or ID" to locate the listing you need to edit.
The second input listed is Store settings/view my store, select view my store. This is where the change is I believe in the previous display you entered the desired country in the the box uder the stores name. NOW the information is entered in the top line, notice it now says "in this store".
John Meyers , I did all you are saying before I went on this rant, The problem is I can get into my store but it is not allowing me to search for anything because when I see that search this store line as soon as I type in 1 letter of the country the search this store icon to the left disappears and you can't search anything.
My whole point to this rant is why make the site so hard to use? It's nuts!! even when Gibbons owned this site the layman could easily use it but not with the "improvements". Why would Hip want their site to be so user unfriendly I for one am getting tired of pulling my hair out trying to use this site. This site is right now the worst site I've ever used.
I guess I'm in a boat of my own, I'm not having anywhere near the problems with Hip as some have stated. Learning and remembering where to click is the only problem I have, but that will come with time. Just as when I first started with BidStart, learning where things are located.
And if your customer found the mistake, did they notify you with a message through "Contact Seller or Seller Question" whichever way it states? You should be able to click on the image and then edit.
Good Luck and stay positive,
I understand getting frustrated with changes but from my experience HS works well for me, no problems with email, I do not have an eBay store so no issue there, I can find and edit all of my listings easily. I mostly use the bulk lister for new items and that is a charm compared to previous iterations under BidStart and SG
I have only been on HS since 2010 so maybe there was a more perfect system under Stampwants but I find that what we have to day easily meets all of my needs, no need for me to look else where. IMO
As usual on this site we're getting way off the original train of thought.
Mr almond , this site was always from the beginning as easy to use as any site ever was, That is until they implemented the new Hipstamp. This whole format is horrible next to what we had. It wasn't broke but they fixed it anyway. Some of the changes are just mindboggling such as moving the forums button from the top left corner to the bottom of the page. Is that an improvement? when they brought this new system online I had to figure out how to get to my sales page. It took a couple of hours to figure it out. Again quite an annoyance.
It seems I'm not the only one having problems with this new site. Just reading the forums there are alot of people having a vast multitude of problems with the site. For instance when they started this new site I had the menu button on the top left of the screen. Suddenly one day that button disappeared. Support told me it was my browser , even though nothing was changed. I tried another browser , Google Chrome but that did nothing either. The screen was the same. A couple days later I inadvertently clicked on the bars next to Hipstamp at the top left of the page and low & behold the menu came up.
I still can't get anything to work when trying to find one of my listings in my store. That includes the suggestions I've gotten on this forum. I am completely frustrated by this site.
Now, there is only one Search Bar within stores, which is the primary search bar in our header, and it defaults to searching within a Seller's store. This ensures that buyers within a store are always searching within a store when they enter a search - which was not the case before. Yes, they have the option to search the entire site by changing the default option - that would be the secondary option - not the default.
Personally i have two custom built desktops, a laptop and an ipad plus a iphone+. I can see the ongoing issue with phone sales. personally i would never purchase a stamp on my phone but i guess i am an exception. there are ways to build a site that accommodate both without changing to make phones the preferred method. imo. Ebay seems to have figured out a way to continue to allow a search bar on stores.