Item received / Item Sent settings

Does anyone know if when a buyer indicates on HS that the item was received, is the seller able to see that information or is notified? Also, when I indicate that I shipped an item, is that information somehow sent to the buyer of the item? I am just asking because I can't find that information anywhere on the site. Thanks.


  • 15 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • On the sales page, when an item is marked "paid for" there is an $ icon that changes color. If you hover over it, it says item paid. Same for "Item shipped" there is a little truck icon that once the item is marked shipped it changes color. Not sure about received. Not sure about what is seen by other party.
  • I know that! What I want to know is if I check that icon as shipped does the buyer have access to that information. Likewise, when a buyer receives an item and they mark the icon as received, how do I get to see that information. Right now I don't, so why even have them. Is it just for HS's internal use?
  • As a Seller when you mark an item as shipped, and or provide tracking information for an order, the buyer is emailed this information, and it's displayed in their Members Area:

    When a buyer marks an item as received this is for their own record and is not sent to the Seller.
  • Mark, I think the buyer should be notified when I ship an item even if the item is sent without any tracking. Most of us send items without tracking except for an expensive order. The USPS will not provide tracking for small envelopes with a few stamps inside, unless sent by Certified or Priority mail. I get a lot of orders for less than $1!
    I don't know if your system works correctly or maybe buyers do not know how to access information. When I do ship with tracking, oftentimes I get messages from buyers asking "Where are my items, did you send them?"
  • Sorry Mark, I misread your first sentence. So you do notify buyers when an item is shipped even if is sent without tracking. I don't think some buyers read their emails, otherwise they would know when the item was shipped.
  • It would kind of be nice for a seller to know when/if a buyer marks an item as received though. Maybe a little box like the ones that indicate "paid" and "status" in the order.
  • Unless I'm missing it, it would also be nice for the date an item was shipped to be readily available. Since the mails are all screwed up nowadays, I get frequent questions from buyers about the date their lots were sent to them. I can provide an informed guess (generally no longer than 2-days after payment was made), but it would still be helpful to have the exact date retrievable.
  • When I leave feedback, I indicate the date when I shipped the order.
  • It would also be nice if I could retrieve/find specific feedback left by a buyer. I've had instances where someone left good feedback after receipt of the item, then a month later inform me they didn't get their order.
  • George of the Cornfields (who was that who always had fun with your name here in the Forum?) -

    If you leave feedback for a buyer on the day you ship, both you and the buyer can see that date in your respective Feedback caches.

    (of course, that's of no help with your wish for a solid ship date, unless you DO leave feedback that day)

  • "who was that who always had fun with your name here in the Forum?"


  • HAHAHAHAHA! huh?
  • Also if you mark an item as shipped on PayPal they send a notice to your buyer so you have 2 notices sent to your buyers.
  • I always indicate the date I received any item purchased in my Feedback so the seller can see the shipping duration.
  • Good for you Eugene! So many buyers do not know how to even leave feedback. They have to figure it out on their own, and some are too lazy to try.
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