Program Changes



  • They will never document their claims of faster listing times.
  • I said many weeks earlier that new listing form was crap and I also emailed support that is was a piece of junk.

    They never listen to anyone even though I have been coding long before these pimple faced idiots were even born.
  • They have basically condensed four separate pages into one page so you could count the fact that you are not loading multiple pages to get to the end as some sort of time saving (especially if you are working on an old 8086 PC)
    For me the list similar and edit work well for me (I rarely use list new), I have tried about 6 different listings and all were fully populated from the previous listing. It takes a couple of tries to get used to the layout and yes the type face is hard to read. Mark has already addressed the problem with not being able to add multiple images at the same time.
  • Hey HipStamp. looks like y'all got a revolution on your hands. As I am not a seller. my first thought was that this doesn't really affect me. But. as a buyer, I have grown to like this site and use it frequently. I would hate to see it diminished. So I guess you have to ask yourself, do we admit defeat and go back to the drawing board, or. do we assert our superiority, much like social media big wigs, and force everyone to accept this clearly unpopular change? Let's see what happens.
  • Yes, as Mike suggests, the pitchforks have been sharpened, the torches have been lit, and the villagers are restless, but the good Dr. Frankenstein is not about to give up his monster.
    (For my part, I'll give the beast another chance tomorrow, when my head has cleared a little.)
  • Michael,

    I don't understand why you say the edit function works well. Previously you could change the catalog number in the title, and that change would automatically be corrected in the catalog number field and the year of issue would also be updated. None of that happens now. You need to make those changes manually. If you click on classic listing experience, NOTHING is provided. which is NOT A GOOD EXPERIENCE. Hopefully they don't mess with the bulk lister. I have mastered using it and it works well for me.
  • Doug and Mike,

    Sold a few more items today in auctions but I am not listing anything more until this fiasco gets fixed back to the original listing format.

    The revolution will not be televised.
  • Michael Almond

    Simple facts. On a good day I can keep up a pace of 2 listings per minute for a little while….list similar going from a block of 782 NH to E5 used takes the following steps.

    In the title change 782 to E5, delete the word block, change MNH to used. Scroll down towards description and click. this automatically generates the following in Item specifics - Changes 782 to E5, changes General Issue to Special Delivery, changes NH to used, changes block to single, and changes the year date. ALL AUTOMATICALLY.

    Continue down to description and change 782 to E5 in my tracking number.

    Continue down and change the picture

    Click to the next page and change price. Click through the next page and click to list.

    That is 4 entries and 6 clicks

    The new form forces me to change 782 to E5, change General Issue to Special Delivery, change NH to used, change block to single, and research and change the year date. That is 5 extra entries, 5 extra clicks, and the time spent looking up the year date of issue which can be a lengthy undertaking on many British Commonwealth sets issued over several years.

    That is 9 entries and 11 clicks

    It MORE THAN DOUBLES the number of entries (each one a possible source of errors) and comes close to doubling the number of clicks. There is absolutely no way in heck that is 2 or 3 times faster …to even state that shows a complete and utter lack of understanding of the listing process.
  • I have also stopped listing. Due to issues with transcribing the postage charges, my new listings will not allow international buyers.
  • Maybe I should explain that when I mean "sell similar" then I mean just that, scott number is the same and only minor changes within title and description. That is what I call similar, not just using a previous listing to start a completely different catalog listing. I would use the same premise for the edit function to correct an error in listing not to make wholesale changes.
  • LOL!!!! I am from New Zealand & the same problem there on my local site,change to a better system (so do they know what that word means????),I have rapidly come to the conclusion that we as a civilisation have reached the peak & are now on the downword slide,hope there are some nice warm caves somewhere.
  • Jaysper , are you kidding me?? You can't possibly be this stupid. This new system to list is HORRENDOUS!!!! Why in the world hip would change the easiest listing system on the internet to this fiasco is mind boggling. Do you actually believe this new piece of crap is either faster or better???? This has to go or I won't be listing anything anymore on this site. If you have even half a brain you would be listening to the feedback you are getting here in the forums. Are you sure Stanley Gibbons isn't involved again?? WHAT A JOKE!!!!!!!!
  • I hope Mark will acknowledge that this whole change was a big mistake because the company is loosing a lot of money now and it will be even more in the future.
    I and many others are not listing anything anymore until this is fixed.
    I usually have a few auctions sell every day so he is loosing out there.
    If this does not got fixed soon many of us will be moving on to another venue.
  • The whole kicker is that when you went to edit something it was basically the same as a listing form but on a single page.
    Very simple to just make a listing form from that and add a tag at the bottom to take you to the final summary page.
    These people are really stupid.
  • Has anyone figured out how to edit the Shipping Instructions in the listing? Yeah, I would say this rollout has been less than optimal.
  • I tried again this evening under the premise that I wasn't going to allow a bunch of programmer clowns with little acumen about stamp listings beat me. So I wouldn't get a repeat of yesterday's fiasco where the system over-wrote a similar listing on me, I copied and pasted my usual info each time from another established listing that I kept open in a different tab. This actually worked and I got a handful of new listings up.
    I haven't tried the auto-progressive private id generator yet. Quite honestly, I'm too nervous to for fear of things going awry. Its a (lack of) trust issue.
    I do like the entering of BIN prices. Now instead of typing, for example, '$5.00,' one can just type a '5.' That knocks about half a second off total listing time.
    Between this and having to constantly insert the years of issue and the like, I call BS on any time savings compared to the previous version.
    I'm relieved in that I only sell as a means of increasing my stamp budget as opposed to selling to make a living as many I suspect here do. After having the rug pulled out from under us with no heads' up, I think I'd probably snap at the thought of this pie-in-the-face learning curve thrown at my feet when things were moving along nice and smoothly and didn't at all need to get dicked around with.
    Oh, and the auto-capitalization for private ID's really, really blows !
  • Doug, do you mean editing S&H for all of your listings, or on a per listing basis? For individual listings, you should see a tiny 'edit' at the right of each section for the listing which when clicked upon, allows adjustments to be made.
  • Carol,
    Thanks for providing a detailed explanation of why you hate this new programing because all of the automatic features are gone requiring much additional work to list a stamp. You most definitely couldn't maintain your 2 listings per minute using this form; however they have not yet messed with the bulk loader (I hope this doesn't give them any ideas) and I believe you could maintain that level or possibly improve upon it. The automatic fill features are still present using this application. You simply fill out the title (called Name in that application) and all of the item specifics are automatically filled in for you including year of issue.

    I only use 6 columns of information with the bulk uploader of which 3 don't change for me and the private id field is updated simply by changing the first starting number. My formula for this column is to add 1 from the previous row.

    Private ID

    The category is always "0".

    My description is generic so it only changes in rare cases.

    My image number remains the same because I batch my images and simply call them 1.jpg, 2.jpg, etc. (I have found you need to wait 2 hours between bulk uploads otherwise the old images appear in the new listings. If this happens simply delete the newly posted listings.)

    The BuyOut or price needs to be updated.

    Be sure to save the upload file in (CVS) (Comma Delimited) format otherwise it doesn't work.

    For those concerned the private ID shows as all CAPS in the new form, it retains the lower case format in the actual listing.
  • Following on to the update that Jays provided earlier, the new Sell Your Item page was built by our Product Development team based on feedback from our Sellers that our Sell Your Item page was too slow. One of the main pain points was that you need to go through 4 separate pages, and then a confirmation page, and that this process involved a large amount of scrolling and clicking and waiting for pages to load - and in many cases, most of the information on each page never changed from listing to listing.

    Following this, we built and tested the new Sell Your Item page over several months. About two months ago, we started rolling this out to our members in small groups, confirming that everything worked as expected and that there were no issues, and any issues we did find were addressed before continuing the rollout.

    The new Sell Your Item page has been the default for over a month, and as everything was working as expected, we moved to the last phase of our roll out - which was to update the List Similar and Edit Listing pages. These pages are largely the same in functionality as listing a new item, so we did not expect there to be any new issues. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and there are several key issues that have come to light unique to the List Similar and Edit process that our team needs to address, which we are planning to resolve this upcoming week.

    That being said, when working as expected, the new Sell Your Item process is significantly faster for our Sellers. Our team will post a further update here as we continue to address these items, and welcome the feedback everyone has provided.
  • edited August 2021 2 LikesVote Down
    I will be back next weekend to see if the item specifics upload automatically as they used to in "list similar" mode. At some point this week I will see what the bulk uploader is all about and whether or not I can use it - I hate and distrust csv files passionately.
    No one has ever developed a more user friendly system for obtaining data than the pre SG system. 2 mouse clicks gave you an instant answer to any question. Now it requires downloading a csv. I could walk through and manually log over 100 pieces of data an hour. Now I obviously don't bother
    I've been around as a dealer since 1985 - I can always go back to show circuit and dealer to dealer sales if need be but age is making it more and more difficult all the time.
  • edited August 2021 3 LikesVote Down
    I listed the initial problems with the new version... but can now add some more... You can no long use a hyphen between Cat # which appear in a string... example 800-825... where it used to show the hyphen now this appears... 800 825 which appears to be your selling two stamps not a set.. also have to be care with the Condition item... if you leave it unspecified, even when you select unspecified it will default to "USED"... This program is a mess... takes me twice at long to post a listing... along with proof reading the post... and after posting have to revisit each and every post to make sure the program hasn't screwed up my listing.... again... this is a mess... Would like to know how took authorship and approved this mess.... looks more like a government job.... rather than a top of the line business... One other thing I forgot to mention if you would like to edit your post their is no option to edit using the old (better) program... Like buying a bad sandwich at a deli and when you take it back expect to get a better sandwich... you don't...
  • Mark,
    The New System is a catastrophe, every time I list a new item it just revises the last one, so please reinstate the CLASSIC version as it was and play around with this new version on a mock site.
  • edited August 2021 1 LikesVote Down
    (if you leave it unspecified, even when you select unspecified it will default to "USED"... )
    Thank you for letting us know. I had to go in and edit my listings
  • Harry
    The only time I ever used "List New" was the first stamp I listed after the SG disaster and I started over from scratch. Every single stamp since then has been listed using list similar because it is easy and fast.
  • Mark,
    I just figured out what you all did that is causing my problem, You changed the Private ID Numbering system to be a unique number. Unfortunately for me I use this as a locator i.e. Australia Red Box or Australia Med Card or Australia Yellow card For larger items So when I post an item it just revises it to the latest description etc. and deletes the earlier item. Maybe it would be wise to notify your sellers of this change.
  • Mark,
    One more thing in listing price of item, the standard is 2 digits after the decimal point. For example $2.50 not $2.5. Maybe a tutorial for your computer staff is necessary on what is common practice in the stamp world like what a "-" means between catalogue numbers or even "/" means etc.

    It seems you need a stamp person to oversee your staff.
  • George, thanks for the thought. I am aware of the Edit function, but as I see it, the "Shipping Instructions" text field does not appear to be an editable field in the new system (item by item). Although I do have text in the field that it inherited when doing a "list similar".
  • Is anyone getting [object Object] in the Catalog Number field when they click on edit? I'm using Chrome. I was removing it but then decided to see what would happen if I left it in and it is retained when I submit. Please see screen shots.objectObject
  • If you want to list like 5 Plate blocks. I found that you edit every one you listings or list your first one then go to your listings and find it then you can list the other 4 just up loading your pictures. Faster?
  • I'm finding that even if I click "Edit" on some of my listings (not all, and not sure what the factor is for why it works and why it doesn't) but some of my listings I can't edit at all. I click edit, the fields are all blank, though the images are still there (this is when I'm in the listing and click the Edit button directly on the listing). So there are more bugs than just the new listing issues itself.
    I actually use the bulk lister (which works perfectly, even for 1 stamp of 100) but has a small learn curve, but I still sometimes edit the listing after, when I sometimes realize I have some detail wrong, or forgot to put something important in like "thin at upper left". So for these listings, I'm just stuck with how they are until I can actually edit the live listing.

    Anyone else encounter this?
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