This Day In History
by Ted Tyszka ·Nov 2, 1889: A statehood two-fer, as North and South Dakota become #s 39 and 40. -
This Day In History
by Ted Tyszka ·#stamps #stampcollecting #philately -
Need US 2609 PNCs
by Michael Flanagan ·Seller needs PNCs of 5 - United States Scott 2609 - Plate #s 14 - 16 - 18. Willing to trade or buy. Please contact me if you can help. -
Canadian Quarterly Stamp Packs are we allowed to put into our Store
by John Coles ·Canada MNH Complete Quarterly Pack Jan. - March 1996 Scott #s 1591 - 1601 -
Blocking specific sellers
by Steven Mahler ·Here is another example to have many of one item listed. I have almost 200 USA item #s 803-807 in my store. These are all inexpensive items from the beginning of the 1938 presidential series. Howev -
by Gina Brewer ·##SHL -
Need Help Learning Bulk Uploader?
by Ted Tyszka ·your sales cards are already marked with catalog #s and your selling prices, then, as Mark says, 200 per hour is easily doable. -
SKU - Inventory Numbers
by Ted Tyszka ·Don't look at your listings from the normal store view. Go to Members Area/Selling/Listings, and your Private ID #s will show in your listings. -
Why doesn't Search find my listing?
Rby Robert Kroning ·OK, but Sc#s is more accurate, no? Thanks, I will fill in that slot. -
Why doesn't Search find my listing?
by Mark Rosenberg ·When importing items from bidStart, while bidStart did not have a specific separate field for Catalog Number, we did attempt to automatically fill this in, and were able to accurately do so for over 9 -
Do You Remember "The Traveling Mousepad"? Of Course You Do!! :o)
by Dave Bennett ·And thanks for setting up that Google gallery! I have forgotten about those Local Post stamps - what was the story behind those? I see several old friends represented there -Michael#s, Larsdog, GSD, -
10,283 NOT SPECIFIED in Canada
by John Coles ·Mark. I have thousands of US precancel stamps and the Cat #s are being changed by Hipstamp. -
CSV File for Updating Active Listings
Rby Richard Willis ·Thank you Mark, Mostly lots that end in #s at the end are left to fix. Catalog Numbers and Stamp Type are back. Thanks Richard -
CSV File for Updating Active Listings
by Ted Tyszka ·the system creates new listings and assigns ID #s. When you upload a correction file that includes a column with the ID numbers, the system will not create a new listing. It matches up the ID numbers -
Catalogue numbers in brackets
by Thomas Keesling ·Ted, thanks for checking! You've saved me some time this morning. I was going to try again to figure out why my SG #s weren't searchable. We'll wait for Mark to sort this out. -
Catalogue numbers in brackets
by Ted Tyszka ·Tom, I just checked some of my listings that have dual catalog numbers in the title and in the Cat# box. I see the same problem you do. Only the Scott # (the 1st one listed in the Cat# box) shows up i -
Catalogue numbers in brackets
by Ted Tyszka ·Yes you can put both catalog #s, and only non-scott #s need a prefix. For example a stamp with Scott # 216 and SG # 230 would be entered as 216, SG230. -
Catalogue numbers in brackets
by Thomas Keesling ·No, only Scott #s are in the box. I thought only one cat # can go in that box. Correct? I provide SG #s as a convenience for collectors who use that cat rather than Scott, but that's not very helpful -
Country / Catalog Number Search Discussion
by Ted Tyszka ·Entering the search term "Albania Michel" does return all my listings with Michel #s in the title. But, any customers searching by Michel numbers will not necessarily know about this search -
Michel Numbers included in Title
by Ted Tyszka ·Just thought I'd give a heads up to anyone else using Michel #s, who might be experiencing trouble finding your listings.