Richard Pauls


Richard Pauls
Last Active


  • Mark, Why is someone in Great Britain even able to see my store when I have limited my sales to United States residents only. I thought this blocked residents of countries from outside my "sell to" list from seeing my store items.
  • Ted, Not worth the effort. I am have over 24,800 positive feedback and a total of 8 negative feedback. Also 32 neutral from one guy who didn't give a reason. I asked him why and never got a response. If any feedback rating bothered me, it was…
  • I received a negative feedback from a buyer that purchased one stamp from me for 5 cents. The reason for his negative feedback was that I charged my standard $1.50 for shipping. According to his feedback, that shipping charge was totally unreasona…
  • I have seen one person use an old library card catalog cabinet to hold his baseball cards. He was very big into baseball cards.
  • I have probably listed on more sites than most. Starting in 1999, my listing history has been as follows: EBAY Stamp Head Auctions StampOffers Delcampe Bidstart Stamporama HipStamp Some were very small sites often handled by one person (Stamp Hea…
  • Greg, The watermark was very easy to see, especially with watermark fluid. But I got totally confused as to whether upright or sideways - I just couldn't differentiate between the two. Most likely upright since the sideways watermark has to be ve…
  • Jeri, Good examples in that article. When I come across stamps with an appearance like those examples and the catalog value is not sufficient to justify an expert opinion, I describe the stamp as possibly regummed and make the appropriate deductio…
  • Attached are pictures of these two stamps from among those I had listed for sale. A quick comparison appears to show similar gum color between the two issues. I send all of my questionable never-hinged items of sufficient value to warran…
  • One is damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. As I mentioned above, I was called an idiot for including a double folded 8 x 11 inch paper with the printed invoice in the #6 3/4 envelopes I use to ship as it causes the envelope to become hung-u…
  • If a buyer really needs a printed copy of their invoice (most don't), they can always print one off themselves. It is always available digitally on HipStamp and either seller or buyer can easily print off a copy.
  • I used to send a folded copy of the invoice with my orders until I received back the top portion of an envelope (it included my return address) containing the top portion of the enclosed stock card and some of the stamps as well as part of the invoi…
  • Shawn, Following is my HipStamp store link. When you open up my store, there is a column on the top left that lists the "Categories" where items are available. Just go to the bottom of the list and click o…
  • I have a 2008 edition of the Scott USA Specialized listed for sale right now for $18 with no shipping charges. The selling price covers the shipping charges and the HipStamp and PayPal fees, so it is really being offered for no charge. The pricing…
  • I recently received a negative feedback with the following comment: "a $1.50 shipping charge for the sale of a single stamp sold for $0.05, shipped on a standard single enveloped using a "forever" stamps was not expected." I am not sure what this…
  • I won't switch to the digital version until it is less expensive than using the printed copy. Right now the printed copy is in the range of 50% more expensive than a one-year subscription to the digital version. However, I can use the printed copy…
  • I received several PayPal scams in the past, but it has probably been at least a year ago. I my cases, you could tell from the internet address given in the header that the message was not really from PayPal. That is where I always look first when…
  • Everyone makes mistakes, me no exception. I received this back from the APS Expert Committee a few years ago: I didn't even notice the mistake when I first received the certificate back. I listed it for sale with the certificate and someone e…
  • The Forums is working for me, but nothing else.
  • Got this one in a kiloware mixture. One part of a four-part stamp design cut out like pieces from a puzzle. Below is the initial release of this issue. Later it was overprinted with a new value. Rather than just overprinting the value on th…
  • Has anyone ever seen any of Austria's unusual stamps (made of the weirdest materials) used on cover? I have sorted through a fair amount of Austria kiloware and never came across one of the stamps made out of one of these unusual materials. I do…
  • Harry, I have a bunch from Bosnia to list, but just haven't gotten around to working on them. This gives me something to look forward to. Every area seems to have it's own quirks.
  • This answers a question of mine that came up two or three days ago when I was cataloging a few Newfoundland stamps for sale. Scott #87 exists with a number of perforation varieties, all with horizontal perforation gauge 12 but with various vertical…
  • Michael, I agree on the cause of what you call foxing and what I term toning. Since the cause is an organism that spreads by spores, theoretically the presence of toning on one stamp may increase the prevalence of toning of adjacent stamps. Howev…
  • I have listed many stamps with "toning", all described as such in both title and description. I reduce the list price of an item by 50% if toning is present compared to a similar item without toning. Since all my items for sale are listed individu…
  • I am a seller only. And I am apparently dumber than a rock. I do list multiples occasionally, but would never describe them in the item title as a multiple. Instead, I would describe as "Block of Four" or "Pair" or "Strip of Three" or "Strip of F…
  • I recently had this happen to me. Positive comments but a negative feedback was left. I contacted the buyer and he said it was a mistake on his part. We both contacted HipStamp independently and asked for the negatives (multiple lots) to be remov…
  • In looking at the Scott Classic Specialized listings, I see five varieties for this issue. 1926 issue (Scott 23a). Perforations 14.5 x 14.0. Typo. Dark green and black. 1930 issue (Scott 33a). Perforations 15 x 14. Photo. Blue green and black…
  • Thanks Greg. Unless I receive advice that something else is better, I will give them a try.