Bulk lister

Trying to use but keep getting connection aborted notice so only some pictures uploading??????????????


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We're not currently experiencing any issues on our end. I would recommend trying again. If you're still having an issue - what type of Internet connection do you have?
  • the bulk lister is pathetic
    tried to put through new items
    bulklister loaded last list with no photos as i had deleted.
    outcome last list no photos and no new list showing
  • Cant wait for answer suppose i will go in and manually fix.
  • edited August 2017 0 LikesVote Down
    Hi David,

    As noted above, we're not having any issues on our end, and our Bulk Lister is currently working properly. As long as you upload your images first, and ensure that your CSV file contains the name of the images which you uploaded - they will always appear within your listings.

    We have a detailed help page dedicated to our Bulk Lister, which you can review here: https://support.hipecommerce.com/portal/kb/articles/bulk-lister-instructions

    If you need further assistance, please click on the Contact Us link in the footer of any web page, and our Support Team will be happy to assist you.
  • It appears to me that I am also having some problems with Bulk Lister. Items are renewed including photos in vast majority of cases but descriptions have disappeared on the relisted listing. We put in photos for all items we list for sale and not sure why a photo should disappear after that. If you had them at first why should photos disappear later? Have any other sellers noticed this on HS?
  • Perhaps I am talking about something diff. above from what you cal Bulk Listing but in the CLOSED/SOLD section you can relist unsold and sold items in bulk and this is where I am running into problems on relisting items singly or in bulk.
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