APS-StampStore on HipStamp

Scott English reports that the APS-StampStore has received 15,978 positive feedbacks in the three months since it opened.


  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I saw in the APS newsletter as well, that they set a record for sales in a single month.
    I think it's brilliant.
    I also noticed we've had a recent bump, and while it could just be the normal ups and downs, I'm curious if other members that have stores that now display the APS logo representing membership have had any increase in sales as well?
  • Been less than a month with the APS badging so impossible to tell any effect from that. Previous two months though after APS store opened were monthly records for the lazy cat Bentley.in spite of his constant indifference. Just more eyes on the prizes I think.
  • They still make a lot of mistakes though. Last two purchases were mostly ok; but some misidentifications and listings that listed sets as MH that had a used stamp in there seem to be the norm for the APS, even before they started listing on Hip. Had the same issues buying off the APS store a year+ ago. Generally good prices, and they do refund/correct any issues quickly; so as a buyer, will stick with them.
  • Have to remember though that the APS staff is not describing or identifying anything. They are simply processing the items as submitted for sale by the APS members. That process did not change at all between the previous APS StampStore and the new HipStamp hosted APS Store.
  • Good to know. Sort of find that disconcerting though. To be clear, don't think the APS is trying to con anyone but find it odd that someone would not at least give items a once over.
  • edited March 2023 2 LikesVote Down
    I don’t know, Greg. As I point out in a separate thread, every listing, from a multiplicity of sellers, that appeared in a search for “coil” under United States, all had boilerplate text which included the term, “plate number coil,” many of which are no such animal. Doesn’t seem likely that so many members are submitting errant listings with identical formats.
  • I don't patrol the forums, but I checked in this evening. I've flagged it for investigation. It may be a mapping issue in transferring the information from platform to platform. We'll identify the source and rectify the issue.

    Scott English
  • Well...there you go! Thanks Scott.
  • Scott, while some of that is possible (I thought the same thing) there are also a lot of listings that actually say "coil" in the title that are actually strips with plate and imprint, that are perforated on all 4 sides, and also some imperf strips with imprint and/or plate #.
  • Our team is in this morning and has already been correcting the misidentifications. Our apologies for the errors.
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