When are you going to do a peferance update to the listing forms
You need to do an update to the listing forms so that it is easy to use the "classic" version with out having to wait for the new form to load and then have to click to get to the old version.
The new version is horrible and it is very clunky to use especially when you want to include a number of scans in a listing.
This adds a lot of time and time is money.
As I have said before you should have a spot where you can select to use the "new" version or the "old" version.
You need to do an update to the listing forms so that it is easy to use the "classic" version with out having to wait for the new form to load and then have to click to get to the old version.
The new version is horrible and it is very clunky to use especially when you want to include a number of scans in a listing.
This adds a lot of time and time is money.
As I have said before you should have a spot where you can select to use the "new" version or the "old" version.
internet sites are always wanting users to do surveys. Apparently HipStamp does not want to know what the results of such a survey would be.
If they do not fix it soon I will be forced to go back to eBay and deal with the managed Payments BS even though I have been with PayPal since 2001.
Bill O'Malley
I have been dealing in stamps, coins and sport cards since the '70's and I have a ton of items to sell besides just the covers I have listed and I have thousands of those.
On eBay I used Auctiva to list items and it was very simple. Here it is a pain in the rear.
I tried to do an edit using the new piece of crap and it came up with no images and the shipping instructions were missing.
As soon you make a revision to the title section, you just create a extra job to have to fill the date of issue. Once done, when you dare touch the description section the whole screen goes bezerk and you have to scroll down again to return to the description section. What a mess!
Yes the whole thing is a complete mess.
I sold on eBay for 22 years and left when they tried to force me into Managed Payments in June since I have been with PayPal since 2001.
I also manly sell auctions so the new listing form is a pain in the rear.
You need to do an update to the listing forms so that it is easy to use the "classic" version with out having to wait for the new form to load and then have to click to get to the old version.
The new version is horrible and it is very clunky to use especially when you want to include a number of scans in a listing.
This adds a lot of time and time is money.
As I have said before you should have a spot where you can select to use the "new" version or the "old" version.