Ron's Complete disrespect for the forums? Time out?
I'm really surprised how a few here think that it is ok for Ron to act like he does here. Enabling someone is not that smart and to say nothing is to enable in a situation like this. Is he funny? no. perhaps only if you are a 12 year old boy. 100+ useless posts to completely destroy any credibility this forum has left? Either you just don't care about this site and the forums or there is a reason to enable him? Yes i think a vacation time out should be given to him. Does he think he is the only one here and that his abuse of the forums is appropriate - do others feel that way here? NO Zero Nada site I know of on the internet... that is a lot- would allow this behavior!
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And the Simpsons Axiom is confirmed
No argument. But...... when someone asks a serious question and there are serious responses that are scholarly and help people to gain knowledge and suddenly there are two or three pages of crap to wade through it is ridiculous. It basically ruins the continuity of the thread and I just totally lose interest in it. There is a very lengthy thread for that kind of "stuff " why not use it and keep the BS off the rest of it so those of us who would rather not have to wear chest waders to find our way through what can be a learning experience can enjoy them and learn from them without being bombarded by sophomoric humor.
Agreed - totally. My comments are intended to be a part of the philatelist in me who enjoys learning from these forums..IT is difficult to do when a thread has 4 comments related to the OP's questions and 96 BS comments to wade through to find the 4 comments that aren't off topic.
My final 2¢ on the subject before it turns into a full blown screed.
The fact of the matter is there is no thing as Free Speech on the internet now. All public forums have nebulous 'conduct' rules that are arbitrarily enforced. So it's up to the people at HipStamp to decide what is 'allowed' on their forum. Users opinions don't mean squat.
That being said, I can only pray they have at least an inkling more of a moral/ethical center than the Orwellian cyptofascist cyberninjas at Facebook who have allowed my identity to be stolen while banning me for such things as calling someone "stupid".
And the Pennsylvania AG seems too busy running for governor to do anything about it.
Now....back to philatics...
It was ridiculous what SCF did, but private companies aren't bound to "constitutional" assertions. Actually, the First Amendment doesn't apply here at all, as stated in the first amendment:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Congress shall make no law... but what the internet "enforces" is self-imposed censorship, of which there is no law governing it. They own the site, they have the right to determine it's content and it's contributors.
This issue at hand here, with regard to Ron is one of balance. I don't mind a bit of witty banter among the discussions, and I in fact welcome it, otherwise things become very dry, and non-emotive. (I like positive emotions they help keep me from institutionalization.)
I don't know if there was any "pre-warning" to him by administrators. I think the forums could do with moderators, and in other online forms that I participate in there is one forum specifically dedicated to "banter". No topic off limit, save for hate speech, and the highly offensive statements, or discriminatory behaviors. That forum is even by "request only", so you only become a member of it by asking to be included in it. In this way, it's nice because you only see that forum in your list if you're a member.
It's not a bad idea, and I see an attempt with that in a single thread, which I also note has more comments in it than any other thread by far on this site.
Ron's comments in some cases get out of hand, just by the volume of them. But I never had an issue with what he had to say. He has a mastery of linguistics that I'll never have, and I valued him for that. Another option would be the "LinkedIn" method, that enables the ability to squelch people or posts you don't want to see. You just mark that person, and their comments never appear in your thread again. Lots of ways to resolve this. I only hope that Ron was warned first, and then if he didn't adjust, it's reasonable that they either temporarily suspend him, or ban him. Personally, I just ignore the drivel and soldier on with what I have to contribute. No site is perfect. But I think this site overall does a reasonably good job at keeping a balance. I'm happy that they put their focus on listings, especially bogus ones. I like that I've reported numerous listings, weekly, and every one of the bogus listings I've flagged has been removed within 2 or 3 days. I'd rather they spend their time there then worrying about overly bored, covid-fatigued people who are locked up in their homes for weeks at a time, for approaching 2 years. Most are just looking for an outlet. There are a LOT of lonely people out there in the world... let's consider some compassion. How would you feel if you learned a week from now that Ron committed suicide because he felt isolated, cut off, and rejected? I'd rather have him here, than not. But I'm focused on the people...
My main regret is that I realize now I should have said something privately to Ron... I didn't find him unreasonable. I did find him annoying at times... but then again, so am I, so not going to be the pot calling the kettle black.
Hopefully he returns, a bit muted.
I try hard.