Need help identifying these stamps

Any help members could provide me identifying these stamps would be greatly appreciated!


  • 10 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think you need to add a little more clarity to this request! Otherwise my best guess is SG 1 & 2
  • I am not sure of the origin of the first stamp, it might be middle eastern and it might be a revenue. I am thinking the the second stamp might be a label or cinderella it appears to depict a bombing ravaged city. I am not sure whether the third stamp is a label or not, it appears to depict a man with a sword killing a snake with the words "Sontagstuhe...6 Rontor...7 hLadenfchluis" and another indecipherable word. The fourth stamp appears to have Eastern European type of writing on it (e.g., Bulgarian, Armenian, etc) with the dates 1926, 1927 on it. All scans are in 300 dpi. Again, I am unsure of the origin of these stamps/labels. Any help identifying these items would be greatly appreciated.
  • The first stamp is a parcel post issue from Afghanistan and the image is upside down. Scott states that ungummed stamps of this type are remainders. The second stamp appears to be some sort of label or poster stamp. As for the others I'm not quite sure.
  • The second label appears to be a post-WWII fundraiser for reconstruction of the devastated city of Clery, in eastern France. It has nothing to do with the Battle of the Somme, which took place in northeastern France.

    The next label appears to be referring to the pension funds for two military units. Perhaps a call for increasing contributions? "Son(n)tagsruhe" translates as "observe Sunday".

    The last label is in Armenian, but does not appear to be a postal item as there is no price mentioned.
  • The third stamp is a German poster stamp issued in favor of Sontagsruhe Ladenschluss, translating literally to 'Sunday Rest StoreClosing.' This was an effort by unions to have shops close on Sundays giving workers a day off (a day of rest).. This had been tried at least since the early 1920's making it impossible for me to date your stamp. I think it was in 1956 when standardized laws were put on the books, although exceptions for Sunday closures were fairly liberal, an example being the Jewish folks who were already closed on Saturday for the Sabbath. These were again changed once additional laws were made limiting the number of hours workers had to work before optional over-time came into play.
  • Well, I'm impressed. This forum can be most educational....that's when it's at its best
  • A profuse thank you to all involved! Your efforts are much appreciated and your knowledge justy continues to amaze me. Thank you!
    Jack Searles
  • Oh yeah, I forgot, the 2nd stamp is also a poster stamp, this one raising funds for the rebuilding of one of the towns and villages of the Somme devastated during World War I. The stamp depicts Cléry and its ruins on the banks of the river Somme. The stamp is actually taken from a post card of the same era (a miniature version of it) that came as part of a set of 20, attached in accordion fashion to one-another. I can't help with its face value...sorry.
  • I stand corrected in the matter of Clery. Apparently France has numerous towns and villages named Clery. The one in Savoie is listed without a qualifier, and is all that came up when I searched for it. Clery-sur-Somme is a village of about 600 on the banks of the upper Somme in northern France, and is the one pictured.
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