Yes I was given these stamps by my mother

This discussion was created from comments split from: Visit HipStamp at StampEx!.


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Yes I was given these stamps by my mother.who said they were handed down from her father.I have no clue anything about them some very old new,some old and used,all of them great condition.If anyone can tell me anything about them I'd be much appreciated.Thank you for your time
  • David: There are some very smart people on this forum but I doubt they are able to help without an image to look at. It is a bit like saying I have an old car, what do you think it is worth. I am sure folks here will try to help if you give them something to work with
  • To be fair to David it looks like he uploaded a picture of the stamps in question as a profile picture. The image is too small to see any details.
  • David. I blew up the picture but lost some detail. But saw enough to tell you there is nothing but common stamps of little value. If they are unused, use them for postage. You can see year of issue for many, 50 years old is nothing for US stamps. Hope this helps. Cliff
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