Backing up Store Listings

Recently I deleted a draft item ( had only one file shown) and in the process lost all my Store Listings... Now I have to relist all... Any ideas of backing up listings... Yes!... I did look in Closed/Sold items... this was a total delete of files...


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Tom, before you start over again, I would send a support request. I can't speak for them, but it seems like that they ought to be able to recover your listings to a recent date. It may not be 100% recovery, but it would hopefully get you close.
  • how many days does the store listing stays .it says n/a once your list in store?
  • Tom,

    Yes, if you accidentally deleted any or all of your listings, just click on the Contact Us link at the bottom of any page on HipStamp, and open a support ticket. Just let us know which date you deleted the items, and we can restore them for you.

    Odette - Store items remain listed until they sell, or you close them. The End Time is n/a - since they do not end.
  • Mark... Been on here since Stampwants, Bidstart, first time this happened... Appreciate your quick response... I have started to repost some files but if you can restore what I had on Thursday or Friday that would be great...Thank You! Tom
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