Add eBay Custom Label, Condition Description and Custom Item Specifics to eBay Sync

A SKU number (or Custom Label on eBay) originally assigned to the stamp before it was listed is required to process orders. It would be helpful to capture the eBay Custom label in eBay Sync and make that information available when processing orders or modifying listings. Because eBay listings end after 30 days (to improve Best Match search position), it is not practical to edit listings manually in HipStamp.

It would also be helpful to capture the eBay Condition Description (which seems to have gone missing in the Stamps Category) and item specifics. Many of the blank fields in the HipStamp listing edit form are already populated in the eBay Item Specifics XML (repeated in the listing description). All of my listings start with the country or ISO country code and the (Scott) catalog number. I do not use a # sign because it consumes valuable title space. Some, but not many, titles were optimized to survive truncation at the hands of the BidStart eBay sync. But, given the condition of BidStart, I would not be syncing any listings from that site. The listings on the SG site are quite mangled after going through the BidStart wringer. (Look soon because the BidStart store will be shutdown next week.)

Also, as an aside, besides adding support for 30 day fixed price listings, it would be helpful to sunset store listings after some time period like two years. If a listing hasn't sold after amount of time, it probably needs more than a minor tweak.

2016-04-15 (2)
2016-04-15 (1)
2016-04-15 (3)


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Your Private ID from Ebay should be coming over. Check in the Members Area > Selling > Listings (Open) section. Directly under our ID, you should see your Private ID, and the Ebay ID.

    We're making some updates to the attributes this/next week, so you should see most filled in. We'll take a closer look at the ebay attributes as well. Thanks.
  • Thanks Mark!

    One note of caution, the predefined eBay values for the "Quality" attribute are not consistent with accepted stamp marketplace terminology. They use the term "Mint" in connection with unused hinge or unused no gum stamps. This is at odds with the 2016 Scott US Specialized Catalog (page 242). In any case, I noticed that the HipStamp descriptions are consistent. It would be helpful not to propagate bad eBay information. I avoid sellers of "mint no gum" stamps, whatever it is they thought they were attempting to say.
  • This is something that can wait if you're too busy. I can wait on using the Bulk Uploader if need be. But a quick, I hope, question - I'm having problems with the price of my items. I've found that the buy_out price corresponds to the Buy It Now from Bidstart. I successfully uploaded a few listings, but in the store, the items were there, look great, but the price didn't show. I found that if I just edited the item and not do anything, the price would then show up. So I thought I'd put the start_price to be the same as the buyout price, say x dollars. Now I'm told that the Buy It Now Price' must be greater than the x dollars. So I guess I could put the start price at a penny less, but I'm wondering if I may not be setting up the Duration right. Does GTE work there?

    By the way, I'm not going to try to import anything from BidStart. I may try the BidStart options for the Bulk Uploader here, but that's like buying a new car and then keep driving the old one while it still runs.

    I'm taking this opportunity to try and get a better overall look for my listings. Use my experience for the past few years about what I want to say in listings, get the postage uniform, stuff like that

    BTW - Another kudo - I really like the longer "item name" or title for the listings. Another detail that makes the overall site even more enticing, like it needs more enticement! I think maybe I'll start a "kudos" discussion, to go along with the "bugs".
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