Beware of stolen items being "fenced"
This is a sensitive topic, but increasingly valid. We all know that innocent folks find small collections and then ask their value. It is often very little. BUT I think we should all maintain a modicum of suspicion towards those with expensive material who know NOTHING about what they have. It is the usual "granddad or uncle" inheritance story. Thieves find the anonymity of these types of forums easy to find out if there is value or not. And we just cannot know it. It has been about 14 months since the Walnut Creek heist in California so I expect that the thieves will soon start to pawn the stuff. But just a thought about reasonable caution, especially with those whose writing skills do not indicate a reasonable investment in learning ( forgive if that sounds a bit arrogant, but I always believe that being direct is honest).
After he left I was told he was a well respected member of the community and spent a LOT of money at the show, unfortunately he was a kleptomaniac. Don;t confront him but get up and walk around the table when he looks like he's getting ready to leave. He takes no offense if you notice something and point it out.... What an odd business
along with stamps for approval. If you don't want them, send them back.
I didn't send them back.
I still feel guilty.
One less secret I'll take to my grave.
I'm sorry Kenmore Stamps.
Everyone makes mistakes in your misspent youth. Have you considered atoning by giving some stuff away to a young collector?
My Sister and I did the same thing.. My Dad wad totally ticked off when the bill came. :-)
Getting all those threating letters from the stamp company
scared the hell out of me as a young boy.
I was afraid to tell my folks, because I didn't want the lecture.
It was good to be taught a good life lesson as a young boy, instead of a young adult.
After that, I never got into trouble with creditors again.