Deactivating Best Offier

edited September 2016 in Questions 0 LikesVote Down
As I was going through listings trying to clean things up, I tried to update the following listings, and encountered the following problems:


I was unable to deactivate best offer (since EVERY item came over from BidStart with best offer activated). The check box did not even show up on these listings, and I tried to go inter more than once. Also, even though I updated other fields, they still show as Not Specified.

I would also appreciate if you can please deactivate best offer on all of my listings. Thanks!!


  • 11 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Steven - Try:

    Members Area > Sellers Tools > Default Listings Settings.
    On that page, un-check 'Accept Offers' under 'Listings Settings.'
  • Just a quick note. Shipping Costs, Best Offers, and all of the fields which you can set up on the Members Area > Sellers Tools > Default Listings Settings page are your default listing settings - what's used when you create a new listing.

    However, since each item can have their own settings, changes you make here will not affect your already existing items. You can update your existing listings all at once though from the Members Area > Selling > Listings page. At the top left, just above the first checkbox, click on the checkbox drop-down menu and choose "Select All XX Listings", then scroll down and click the Bulk Edit button.
  • Hi Mark, I got that, but I went into each of the above items individually, and the check box in the edit screen was not even present! That is why I started this under the Bugs category.
  • I just got a ton of offers, and I found that all my listings came over with make offer. I'm simply ignoring them
  • As a Seller, if you want to accept Best Offers or not is up to you. However, if you are currently accepting best offers you should ensure that you respond to all offers.

    When you set up your Default Listing Settings, or if you previously used the bidStart Sync, there is an option to enabled or disable Best Offers. Your items would have the setting you selected. If you update the Default Listing Settings after that time, this would not update your current listings, as Default Listing Settings only apply to new listings. However, you can very easily update all of your items in Bulk from the Members Area > Selling > Listings page. View a picture tutorial here:

    On the edit screen, simply click "Edit" next to Offers, ensure the checkbox is unchecked, and submit your changes.

    If you do not want to accept offers, and your listings are currently set to enable offers - please update your listings accordingly.
  • Tried that. Bulk edit comes up with an unchecked box for accept best offers, not a checked box. I do not recall this being mentioned at the time of the sync to bidstart. bulk
  • Did you click on the Update button? As long as you clicked on the Update button, all of your listings would be updated to not have Accept Offers enabled - since in the screenshot you had clicked on Edit next to Accept Offers, and you have Accept Offers unchecked. So once you click Update, that would make all of your listings have that exact setting - Accept Offers turned off.

    However, note that the Bulk Edit screen itself simply lets you make Bulk Edits to your listings, it's not showing you what settings you currently have set for any listing - as settings can be different for each individual listing. It just lets you make Bulk Edits based one what you click to Edit - and then click on Update.

    On the bidStart Sync page, there was an Accept Offers option - which looked the same as it does on the Bulk Edit page, which you could set or unset to Accept or not Accept Offers on all of your imported listings. If your listings have Accepted Offer enabled, it would only have been because that settings was set on the bidStart Sync page previously. But again, you can just Bulk Edit your listings to whatever you want.
  • I tried that yesterday. It came back and said it would do it, but I checked this now and they still say Make Offer. It's no big deal as one has to accept an offer before it is sold. Unless the offer is withing a couple of pennies of my selling price, I need not accept it.
  • Since I am still getting offers, I checked my listings again and they all have accept best offer, even the newer ones. Tried the bulk edit but nothing changed. I suppose the only thing to do with new listings is to jack up the price and accept best offers if they come in at whatever I was going to list for originally. I have a ton of stuff to list.
  • I've just gone ahead and checked your listings, and I did not see any which had the Offers option accepted - including all of your new listings. It may be that you previously had items from bidStart which had Offers enabled, but Bulk Editing your listings should take care of that. I've just gone ahead and Bulk Editing your listings to ensure that the Offer option is turned off on all of your listings. For help on Bulk Editing listings see:
  • Ah, maybe it doesn't happen immediately? I just looked at the most recent listing and it does not say accept best offer. Yes, some listings on Bidstart did say it but thats because they are consignment and are priced higher to allow for "bargaining". I'll add some more shortly and see what they look like.

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