Anyone ever have Dealings with a seller by the name Philatorium from Arkansas?????

I seem to be having trouble getting my stamps from him after I've won them at Auction, even after paying for them + the shipping charges!! 1st time it took 34 darys from Arkansas to California, I'm still waiting for the ones I won and paid for on Jan. 1st of this New Year. ANY advise about how to deal other than just waiting for him to get around to it?? no answers to my Emails either...Thanks Jeff1313


  • 18 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Jeff, Your sharing of the news has put the whole course of this discussion into a perspective of understanding and sadness. I'm thankful the comments, which may have been reasonable in the absence of knowing his situation, did not escalate or elicit too harsh or hurtful reactions. It reminded me , hopefully, to be more careful in making assumptions or drawing conclusions- because, well, sometimes I'm just a bad influence on myself. Kidding aside, the resolution tells the tale, albeit bittersweet and I imagine it's touched us all. The passing of our fellow collectors/dealers is, unfortunately, an all too frequent occurrence.
  • I want to set the record straight- I rcv'd my latest order from Philatorium, the seller explained that he is older, older than I thought and he is having problems that he is now willing to admit so he has brought in help to take on the majority of the Load of his store and business. He Apologised and promised to make things right! Being older myself I know how hard this must have been for him and I applaud his Honesty! It can't and I know this was not easy for him. Thankfully he saw what was happening and overcame his pride and life long experience as a man in our culture and Asked for help. I just wanted All of you to know the Truth, as I did not have the whole story when I first presented it. Thank you all for your time and advise, Sincerely J.A.Frazier 1/25/20
  • Scroll down this page until you see the words "Contact Us," then contact them.
  • File a non-receipt report with PayPal.
  • I have gone back to Philatorium as an active buyer, I now know that it will take a little longer than BEFORE to get my stamps, but I have gotten 2 orders from them and I am most happy with the product. The Daughter, Arien has been doing a good job helping the owner out and just ask if there is any kind of question. They are really good people and Life is just happening to them, be Patient and talk with them. Treat them like you'd like to be treated.
  • I want to THANK all of you who posted their comments!! Ron L. Many thanks to your message Sir!! UPDATE!! For the last 4-5 months Philatorium has been actively selling and Buying and doing well.....As of August the daughter who took over the business has lost her Home and Contracted the COVID-19 virus. I received an email from her about 10 days ago that says, "I am on the road to recovery but this virus is sapping my strength and the Doctor says it will be a while be for I am 100%, If you can wait for me and have a little Patients, my daughter & I will make it Right," A.
  • I would still report him to Hip; let them know about his repeat behavior, so they have good cause to give him the boot.
  • Yes, had similar experience when i received torn and damaged material, but it I really did not spend much and his relative replied and let me now the problems. Appreciate the frankness and honesty also.
  • Thanks for the explanation, Jeff. I wish the best for Philatorium.
  • To all those thaT HAD DEALINGS WITH PHILATORIUM; Sadly he has passed, and his Daughter has decided to honor all his commitments and carry on the business. She has made all who had orders with him whole and me as well. Only 1 stamp she couldn't find and she made a concession and sent me several stamps to make up for it. She is including her daughter to help her out and they seem to be doing well! I just want to thank all of you who said to be patient, turned out for the best. Stay Safe and Healthy all you Stampers!! Jeff.
  • Ron - Hear ! Hear !
  • Sage words, PartCat.
  • Thanks Ted, I did and this was after the first go around! didn't seem to make much difference to him the 2nd time, I'm still waiting. I am hoping I get the ones I won and then Never do business with him again.
  • OK, Both of these suggestions sound like Good, Solid Advise, Thank You Both, Michael and Ted respectfully!!
  • That dealer has feedback from 2 other customers for the same problem.
  • Same problem. The daughter is saying the orders are " on the way" but that is not true. I can't get HipStamp to respond to my inquiry either. Anyone know how to get HipStamp on the phone or to provide any help? I don't get a reply from leaving a message?
  • Open up a ticket. Bottom of page 'contact us.'
  • I now have the same problem. I wish I had known of his difficulty before purchasing. At least I would know it would take some time. I guess I'll be patient and wait for my order. I just don't want it to be forgotten.
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