Any Stamp Dealers Who Use Recent Issue Stamps For Postage?

Are there any stamp dealers who use recently issued stamps for postage as opposed to out-of-date discount postage?
If not, isn't it hypocritical to complain about the lack of interest in collecting and the lack of used modern material in particular?
If stamp dealers don't use recently issued stamps for postage, why should anyone else?


  • 58 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I use recently issued stamps on most of my order.
  • edited December 2017 0 LikesVote Down
    I usually use recently issued stamps when mailing my orders.
  • I use a mixture of modern and older issues to keep it interesting. I try to avoid using meter postage. As long as my order arrives safe and quickly I am a happy camper.
  • I agree with the original poster, and use recent issues on my outgoing mail.
  • I also use predominantly current issues (souvenir sheets when I can) on my mailings. Generally I only use the older stuff as the makeups to finish off the amount required overall.
  • Many of my customers have limited their collection to ending at the beginning of 1900 or thereabouts; 1940, 1960 or 1980.
    I like to think they appreciate stamps on their mail and some have told me they like to see stamps on their mail but most don't seem to worry what stamps are used as long as they don't pay postage due on the parcel. Some of my customers only seem to collect 19th Century cancels which of course is an interesting study. If I happen to have a current issue I might use it but I don't spend a lot of time obtaining them for use on my mail.
  • I use stamps from the 19th century through the 21st century.
  • I buy from a lot of dealers and most use discount postage. I use to like soaking but don't anymore. I keep them and eventually package them for donation along with other items. But think about it - If you save enough of the so called discount postage maybe if your great great great grandchildren inherent your collection it could be worth millions because there are very few left! What a legacy!
  • If dealers don't use (recent) discounted postage then there won't be any bargain priced stamps for you to buy and add to your collection. I sometimes use recent stamps for postage but usually they come from a recent estate sale. There's nothing Hypocritical about it at all - it's business.
  • True however others also appreciate when they buy something perhaps less bargainish and large enough for a box receiving a full used set of the Canadian hockey souvenir sheets and/or the interesting Toronto maple leafs souvenir sheet postally used or something else.....on the assumption the posties treat them kindly en route.....
  • Thanks for all the responses.
    It's good to see that there are dealers on HipStamp who use collectible recent stamps for postage.
    I'm tired of buying $50-100 worth of material with $2-3 shipping charge and receive package smattered with out of date postage or, worse still, reglued postage.
    I try to keep the complete cover. Only soak off stamps if they are on a larger envelope or box.
    I've also found they can be good for trading at the local club which helps me recoup some of the shipping costs.
  • Why not ask the seller to use recent issues. Many of my buyers over the years have asked for older commemoratives on the envelope, if possible. Absent knowing what the buyer prefers I use whatever falls to hand most readily and will fit the type of mailer. Small envelopes generally get recent issues, larger envelopes a mixture..
    I always try to accommodate any reasonable buyer request.
  • edited December 2017 9 LikesVote Down
    "I'm tired of buying $50-100 worth of material with $2-3 shipping charge and receive package smattered with out of date postage or, worse still, reglued postage."

    You paid for the items inside the envelope, not the stamps, meter or postage labels that are used to ship the items to you. As Carol stated, you can ask the sellers to use recent stamps. If asked, I, too, will try to accommodate the buyer, but it is not always easy to get newer issues. Sellers who live in small towns may have even a harder time to get them. Older sellers may not even have the means to get to a post office.

    On StampWants, I once had a buyer who complained to me that I used the same "recent" stamps that he already had, and that he had expected me to use the newest stamps available at the post office. Of course I had no way of knowing what "recent" stamps he already had. My reply was simple. "Send me the stamps you want me to use, and I'll be happy to apply them to the envelope. If you want me to specially obtain stamps for you to use for postage, I'll be happy to do that, but there will be a handling charge for the service, and a delay shipping the order until the stamps are obtained." So, even the term "recent" is relative.

    When I make a purchase, I'm happy to get what I bought. If there are stamps on the outside, that's nice, but I don't expect or demand it from the seller, or whine over what postage was used. I only expect that they ship what I bought from them.
  • Thank you, Michael #'s. Wow, you used the words "happy & nice" all in one sentence. I was beginning to wonder if these words/emotions were obsolete on this forum.
  • I always use recent stamps, preferably from setenant issues of 5 or more.
  • For buyers, the option is there when making payment through PayPal to place a request in the notice that will be received by the seller. I would assume that a simple request could be made to use recent commemorative stamps when the seller is sending the purchased items. I check this request space when I look at all PayPal receipts just to make sure if some type of special packaging or postage stamp use has been made.

    For sellers, the US Postal Service operates a website that lists many of their recent stamp issues for sale. The service charge is very nominal (I believe it is $1). The selection is usually much better than what is available at your local post office. You order will be mailed to you and usually arrives within a week. I use this service rather than relying upon my local post office for the postage stamp issues that I wish to receive. From my own personal experience, a seller in the United States does not have an excuse for not having a few recent stamp issues available for postage use. If one doesn't wish to stock a few recent issues for postage use, then that is a personal choice that is being made that is not related to availability of recent stamp issues.

    I can understand if a seller wishes to use "scrap postage" as stamps used to send their letters and packages. This "scrap postage" is available at steep discounts to face value and can help reduce a required expense when mailing items. I have seen such "scrap postage" listed at discounts of up to 50% of face value if one is willing to make a large enough purchase. The stamps contained in these lots is generally of the most common stamps issued years ago; it will not tend to make buyers who want to receive recently issued stamps very happy.

    Both buyers and sellers have to make choices when deciding what is important to them. I have just gotten back into selling mode within the last month after having decided to stop collecting. It will be my way to dispose of my very large accumulation of stamps. When I was purchasing stamps, I would tend to be a repeat buyer from sellers that did use recent commemoratives or that used some type of other unusual postage stamps. Now that I am starting to sell once again, I am using imperforate stamps that are cut from the non-die-cut press sheets that were issued by the Postal Service a few years ago. I had always intended to use most of the stamps in these press sheets for postage when I purchased them, assuming that their novelty and relative scarcity might encourage buyers to make multiple purchases from among the stamps that I am offering for sale. The only problem that I have encountered when using them for postage is difficulty in separating the stamp from the backing paper; those die cuts sure make an otherwise very difficult process very simple.
  • MG is absolutely correct. The buyer is paying for the stamps inside the envelope NOT what is used on the outside for postage which could even be a label? It the buyer requests latest issue stamps at the point of purchase than I will do it - but that means a special trip to the post office to purchase them. On a similar note - I recently had a crazy Frenchman who clearly had given himself a Royalty or Heraldic title and address (It was a cheap cover and he obviously liked to receive mail from overseas with his "title" and address on it). So I plastered the envelope with lots of GB Royalty related stamps.
  • What I do whenever possible is to use Hannukah, Eid or Asian Lunar New Year stamps when mailed to the appropriate countries. Also, joint issue - same design from two different countries. (Marine Life, Canada-Sweden). (Jacques Cartier, Canada-France.)... (St-Lawrence Seaway, Canada-USA), etc....
  • I always use recent stamps, and normally not the common kind if at all possible. But sometimes the Post office is out of stock on commemoratives and I have to use "regular" stamps. This happens often for International and US shipments. In this case I use a nice regular fare commemorative stamp and supplement it with low value regular stamps.
  • I collect nice older stamps. I could care less what stamp is pasted on for postage.
  • I reflected on my post. When I was a young lad I would welcome any stamp, old or new, to add to my collection. But, face it, there are no young collectors. In China and India, yes. American youngsters have moved on. So, perhaps it means the East, Orient ie, will be better for it and "catch up" to the West? Surpass the West, carried on a tide of eager young stamp collectors. Heh, heh!

    Merry Christmas
  • When someone orders a common 3c stamp, is it bad form to use 16 of them on the delivery envelop? I underpay postage by one cent so they incur a "postage due" souvenir extra charge for that. :-)
  • edited December 2017 2 LikesVote Down
    I once bought a couple of auction lots from a well-known (and to be un-named here) dealer. While I have a personal rule that I will not buy from auctions where there is a buyer's premium (why should I pay for the privilege of buying?), these were a couple of nice, higher-dollar lots of stamps that I had been looking for.

    Anyway, I went ahead and bid and won the two lots. I got charged the 15% buyer premium, plus a 10% shipping and handling fee that included the buyer premium in the calculation (ripped off all around). That came out to almost $30.00 for shipping and handling. The package arrived postage due. I was furious, and contacted the auction house. They refunded me the postage due (about $5.00). I have never bought from them again, not even from their retail outlet.
  • I almost always use recent stamps on the envelopes I send out.
  • I use new stamps and sometimes they are Imperforated! Not too many of us actually use the imperf's. Hope my customers like them.
  • Here in Australia, any mail for overseas (Mine are of course always stamps and usually overseas) we HAVE to have stamps maked "International Post" - something to do with a tax I believe!
    Therefore as they keep raising the cost of postage - I am always having to buy recent issue stamps!
    Locally anything can be used as long as the amount is okay - but again the price keeps going up so newer stamps are easier than trying to buy a 5 or 10c stamp to make up the amount!

    I LOVE getting overseas mail......and am happy to have old and especially new!
  • Here's that French address
  • Wow..........MG.........that seller was really "pushing-his-luck".
  • Food for thought: If I use regular postage stamps there is no evidence I mailed the envelope, If I use the Meter from the PO, The receipt shows the name of town and zip code on the receipt. The added incentives are the mail moves faster because of the barcode on the letter and it is inconspicuous. If a customer wants stamps on the envelope ask me and I will do so.
    HAPPY NEW YEAR 2018 to all.

    Harry Patsalos Philatelics
  • As a collector who buys from sellers in many different countries. I had never considered ever asking for any specific postage to be used. Too me, what is in the envelope is more important. As a collector I do enjoy seeing the variety of postage used. I tend to use a mix of old and new issues when sending international items. I use what I have on hand. I paid face value for all stamps used . My local postal outlet seems to have a good selection readily available. If not I order what I want directly from Canada Post. So far I have not had anyone complain about the postage used.
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