Claim: MNH stamps are drab posters, not philatelic. Used stamps are philatelic and are collectible.

No image needed. I can picture a million pieces of paper that have not carried an envelop to a client; these are rubbish. If the paper has taken a letter to a client, ithas done a postal thing and is philatelic.


  • 18 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm told gum is beautiful.....especially if it's original!
  • Done its job? Who cares? I collect stamps, not jobs.
  • edited May 2017 8 LikesVote Down
    It's a hobby. A hobby is for relaxation. Each hobbyist defines and decides what is or is not collectable to them. Collect what you want, but don't preach to others what is or isn't appropriate.
  • edited May 2017 2 LikesVote Down
    I can see what you're saying (and I'm assuming you're saying it in a way to spark constructive discussion). Like Michael, I think it's to each his own. Modern unused I'm not much of a fan - but the historical engraved stuff I think can be little works of art even when unused postally. Here's a couple examples (not mine - I only wish) of what I think are millions of examples of what qualify.


  • This had me thinking today ... if mint stamps are nothing but rubbish, why are mint stamps worth more than used ones?

    Would you really think a mint Penny is rubbish? Please, send it my way if you don't want it. Or how about a mint inverted Jenny? I'll take that one off your hands, too.

    As the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Don't tread on my beauty!
  • To that point... the Scott Catalogue generally lists modern mint example at approx 2X face value, rounded to the nearest nickel. Why? I can see being face value at a minimum because of the postal validity of them, but why 2X and not 1.5X? Is it because they know the real market trades at significantly less than catalogue (per Buyer's current expectations) thus they have to have 2X so dealers can sell them at a discount off of catalogue value and still be above face value?
  • I've got a poor stamp seeking some was put on a letter and went to its destination but the stamp was never cancelled. His gum is gone so MNH lovers reject him as do postally-used collectors because of no cancellation marks validating his legitimacy. He can't tell his story of travel and technically shouldn't be used again for postage having done his quid pro quo. I just might bend the law and send him to Mike H just to give him a home....but did I mention he was quite off-center too? sigh
  • So I suppose he is an Error, no a Freak, wait he's an Oddity. Wow, are we even allowed to insult stamps that way anymore? Doesn't it hurt their self image? I just plain feel sorry for him.
  • Great... now we have cupcake stamps, too?
  • cake 1

    Sure Why Not?

    cake 2
  • Think we are being trolled
  • What does it mean "to be trolled?"
  • edited May 2017 1 LikesVote Down
    In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking other users into a desired emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. "Being trolled" means that you are being harassed by a troll. Best to ignore such morons, and not respond to them. Responses only causes them to come right back with more inflammatory remarks to keep the argument going and feed their sick ego.
  • Thanks, Michael. I can see why Richard would think he is being "trolled" by me. However, this is a legitament question I started asking in 1953. Take the guys in Cheyenne who print stamps, put them on envelopes, and cancel them to make FDCs; that's not philatelic. The beauty of mint vs used is irrelevant, the cost is irrelevant. I ask a factual question that most people mis-read. Mike
  • Is the stamp on the cake soakable?
  • Hi, Michael...if your comment was directed toward me, I am sorry that I miss the point of it.
  • Mike, I was only answering your question about what "trolling" means, nothing else.
  • Thanks; that does help me understand. I normally do not participate in forums (I go to a local donut shop every morning at 6:00 to discuss ideas...but no one there is a stamp collector! In my 55 years of collecting, I have had to sell my collection three times. When I restart it (as I always do!) I go back and forth mnh vs used. I had to sell off in 2008, but came back mostly with mint. (I sure like postmarks, though!). Mike
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