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HONG KONG 1975 HK Auxiliary Airforce 25th Anniversary cover.................8306
HONG KONG 1964 Local 10c rate cover - HONG KONG / 32 cds...................B7240
HONG KONG 1961 Local 10c rate cover - HONG KONG /B machine cancel..........B7228
HONG KONG 1961 Local 10c rate cover - Hong Kong B machine cancel...........51861
HONG KONG 1962 Local 10c rate cover - HONG KONG A.M.C. cds.................51866
HONG KONG 1964 Local 10c rate cover - HONG KONG / 32 cds...................51862
HONG KONG 2001 Belgica Exhibition cover with cinderella.....................8337
HONG KONG 1991 PhilaNippon Goldfish mini sheet fresh MNH..................A9034e
HONG KONG 1964 cover KWUN TONG cds.........................................51856
HONG KONG 1970 Asian Productivity Year FDC.................................a3573
HONG KONG 1974 Royal Wedding FDC...........................................a3574
HONG KONG 1978 Silver Wedding FDC..........................................a3584
HONG KONG 1986 19th Century Portraits FDC..................................A7550
HONG KONG 1995 airmail cover to New Zealand................................50310
HONG KONG 1982 $1.30 porcupine single franking on cover to UK..............10834
HONG KONG 1964 Local 10c rate cover - NORTH POINT cds. ....................49399
HONG KONG 1962 Local 10c rate cover - MAN YEE ARCADE cds...................49398
HONG KONG 1980 cover to Switzerland - nice franking........................94129
HONG KONG 1979 $2 on cover to USA - Kowloon machine cancel.................10830
HONG KONG 1982 - The Port Past & Present FDC...............................A9188
HONG KONG 1986 19th Century Portraits FDC..................................A7549
Hong Kong 1981 Fish FDC - Kwai Fong Cds....................................A7551
HONG KONG 1962 Local 10c rate cover - HONG KONG A.M.C. cds.................49694
HONG KONG 1978 Silver Wedding FDC..........................................a3578
HONG KONG 1984 Jockey Club mini sheet MNH..................................69045
HONG KONG QV 5c SHANGHAE Treaty Port cds...................................10164
HONG KONG 1978 Po Leung Kuk Centenary official FDC.........................A8858
HONG KONG 1978 Po Leung Kuk Centenary official FDC.........................A8859
HONG KONG 1980 Rural Architecture FDC......................................A9184
HONG KONG 1980 Rural Architecture FDC......................................A9183
HONG KONG 1991 PhilaNippon Goldfish mini sheet fresh MNH..................A9034b
HONG KONG 1990 100 Year of Electricity FDC.................................a3583
HONG KONG 1990 Electricity mini sheet FDC - PEAK pictorial pmk.............a3587
HONG KONG 1999 cover to New Zealand - nice franking & pmk..................a4190
HONG KONG 1979 MTR official FDC............................................A8860
Hong Kong 1974 UPU Set FDC.................................................A3575
HONG KONG 1990 Electricity mini sheet FDC - Granville Road pmk.............a3588
HONG KONG 1996 CHINA Stamp Exhibition commem cover.........................A9693
HONG KONG 1982 - The Port Past & Present FDC...............................A9187
HONG KONG 1998 cover to New Zealand with HK tax marking T / 260............85253
HONG KONG 1987 Commem cover - Postal History of HK - The War Years..........x621
HONG KONG 1984 Jockey Club set FDC - Tsim Sha Tsui cds.....................A9672
HONG KONG 1996 INDONESIA Stamp Exhibition commem cover.....................A9690
HONG KONG 1998 $2.30 pictorial aerogramme - CTO............................B3184
Hong Kong 1960 Cover North Point / Hong(5)Kong Cds.........................51854
HONG KONG 1896 QV 10c SHANGHAI cds code C..................................12609
HONG KONG 1894 5c with complete SHANGHAF cds - damaged E....................S965
HONG KONG 1975 Royal Visit FDC.............................................a3590
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