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1940 4 Famous Am Authors Precancels ERROR f/FREDERICKSTED VI (734) Quite scarce
1928 2c & 5c CAC (649, 650) SUPERB MNH examples with BOARDWALK MARGINS!
1917 5 W/F stamps with NEW YORK, NY (L-5) precancel. Early better denoms!
1926 20c Golden Gate DLE Precancel f/NEW YORK NY(698-243) READS: UP!
1917 10c FRANKLIN with precancel f/ ROCHESTER NY(510-219) Nice local type!
1926 .5c NATHAN HALE plate no. single 19653 (653) Full OG & Lightly Hinged!
1954 2.5c LIBERTY w/precancel f/CHARLESTON SC (1034-71) BLK OF 4 OGNH!
1977 3c Americana W/ Precancel Device IMP F/Clines CRS NM (1582-843) Allerrors
1898 1c FRANKLIN with CHICAGO IL precancel (279-LT-4). EARLY & SCARCE!
1910 1c Franklin Block of 4 (383) Imperforate . OG Never Hinged. a Real Gem!!
1916 1c WASHINGTON with BOSTON MA city type DN precancel (486-161) NICE TYPE!
1938 1c Washington with precancel from WHITTIER CA (804-71) margin Block of 4.
1938 1c Washington with precancel from CHARLOTTESVILLE VA (804-204.5) Block of 4
1938 5c Monroe w/precancel f/LEXINGTON KY (810-247) Blk of 4. DLE!
1938 1.5c M Washington w/precancel f/SANTA SUSANA CA (805-825) Block of 4
1914 1c Washington precancel from RACINE WI (462-L-7E) Scarcer INVERT!
1917 50c Franklin precancel from CHICAGO IL(517-L-4) Scarcer INVERT!
1925 1.5c HARDING w/ Bureau precancel coil f/ NEW YORK NY(598-43) GAP strip 3 !
1930 3c POSTAGE DUE with precancel f/ ST LOUIS MO (J72-L-6E) Great strip of 5!
1931 50c ARLINGTON with SPRINGFIELD MA (701-236) UP precancel. with fault!
1923 5c ROOSEVELT with coil precancel strip of 4 (602-162) from BROOKLYN, NY. UP
First Day of Issue block of 4 5c SAM HOUSTON (1/18/1964-1242). SCARCE
1954 6c Roosevelt possible Precancel f/HUSTONIA MO (1039-POST) READS: NORMAL!
1923 3c LINCOLNwith city coil precancel (600-162) f/ CLEVELAND OH. Reads down!
1986 IMPERFORATE ERROR: 25c BREADWAGON (2136a)plate #2 strip of 5 OGNH "PERFECT"
US:1932 1.5c FF HARDING with Precancel from CARROLL IA (684-703)! Nice type.
1926 7 4th BUREAU issue w/ precancel f/ EASTON PA (PSS T&T 253) Nice local type!
1926 1c FRANKLIN w/ PRECANCEL f/ NEW YORK NY (632-61) w/position ERROR!
1954 2c LIBERTY coil w/ precancel DEVICE IMP f/CLINES CRS NM (1053-843) ERROR!
9 1954 Liberty Issues W/Precancels F/Palos Verdes Estates CA (808) Nice Denoms!
1938 1.5c M Washington w/precancel f/SANTA BARBARA CA (805-230) mar Block of 4
1912 1c Washington precancel from CHICAGO IL (405-L-4) Scarcer INVERT!
1914 1c Washington precancel from LANSING MI (462-204) Scarcer INVERT!
1918 1c Washington precancel from BOSTON MA(525-203) Scarcer OFFSET INVERT!
1967 1c PROMINENT AMERICANS ZIP bk f/ OGALLALA NE (1278-804) precancel. OGNH
1967 10c PROMINENT AMERICANS MAIL bk6 f/ OGALLALA NE (1286-804) precancel. OGNH
1973 10c JEFFERSON MEMORIAL MAIL bk6 f/ OGALLALA NE (1510-804) precancel. OGNH
1931 2 3c POSTAGE DUE with inv & nor precancels f/ HARTFORD CTI (J82-204) Nice!
1960 1.25c LIBERTY margin bk6 f/ STATEN IS NY (1030A-71) Bureau precancel. OGNH
1932 3c Washington DLE Precancel f/CINCINNATI OH (720-247) READS: NORMAL! MARGIN
12 1922-26 4th Bureau pairs with precancels from various towns & types!
US:198 copies of 2c 1895 Bureau issue. Great study group with high CV.
1916 1c WASHINGTON with DETROIT MI city type DN precancel(486-141) DRY PRINT!
1916 1c WASHINGTON w/precancel f/W CHESTER PA (424-207) Nice perf 10!
1926 10c MONROE w/ PRECANCEL f/DES MOINES IA(642-61) w/position ERROR!
6 1917 W/Fs w/precancels f/WINSTON SALEM NC (207) Inc. 3 SCARCE INVERTS!
1916 1c WASHINGTON w/ SCHERMACK III perfs (481) Nice example of this stamp.2
1929 .5c HALE w/ various precancels 46 Both local & Bureau PAIRS and 1 strip
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