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US precancels and precancel errors
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1938 .5c FRANKLIN w/ Precancel f/HORNELL NY(803-255). Nice Bright Blk4!
1926 7c McKinley w/Precancel f/UTICA NY (639-204). SCARCE MULTIPLE!
1930 4c TAFT w/Precancel single f/SAN FRANCISCO CA(685-63)NICER DENOM!
1930 1.5c FF Harding w/Precancel pair f/GARRISON NY(684-209) SCARCER TYPE!
1926 2c Washington w/Precancel pair f/ROCHESTER NY(634-61). Nice margin pair!
1930 1.5c FF Harding w/Precancel pair f/KANSAS CITY MO(684-73)NICE STAMPS!
1926 6c Garfield w/precancel DBL ERROR f/BERKELEY CA(637-225) READS: "CALIF,"!
1917 20c FRANKLIN precancel from ALBERT LEA MN (515-204) Nice type!
1926 20c Golden Gate DOUBLE Precancel f/NORWALK CT(698-703) READS: DOWN!
1963 1c Jackson w/precancel f/ INDIANOLA MS 1209-704 SCARCE BLK of 4!
1914-20 15 1c Washington precancels including several INVERTEDS.
US 1922 13c Harrison with inverted precancel from STOCKTON CA (622-204)!!
US 1926 5c Roosevelt with inverted DLE precancel from EVANSVILLE IN (637-247)!!
1926 20c 4th Bureau with DLE PRECANCEL f/PORTLAND OR 698-243. UP!
1926 30c 4th Bureau with DLE PRECANCEL f/NEW YORK NY 700-243. UP!
1926 three 8c 4th Bureau (640) w/DLE precancels f/various cities and states!
1926 seven 3c 4th Bureau (642) with DLE PRECANCELS from various cities & states.
1923 2c HARDING (610-513) precancel WOOD LAKE NE. Better type and scarce on a BH
1923 2c HARDING (610-482) inv precancel HERRINGTON NE Better type scarce on a BH
1917 50c FRANKLIN with PRECANCEL from CHICAGO IL (517-LT-4E). Scarce denom!
1926 5c Roosevelt w/Bureau precancel f/CINCINNATI OH (637-43). SCARCE MULTIPLE!
1926 5c Roosevelt w/Bureau precancel f/BOSTON MA (637-61). SCARCE MULTIPLE!
1922 12c Cleveland w/Precancel f/PHILADELPHIA PA (564-L-53HS). SCARCE MULTIPLE!
1938 7c Jackson pr w/control dated precancel f/ALBANY NY (812-L-11). MW MAR 39!
1940 1c War & Defense w/precancel f/BETHLEHEM PA 899-61 Margin blk of 4
1923 3c LINCOLN precancel ERROR f/ PAMONA CA. (584-L-1HS) TOWN reads "PAMOMA"!
1945 1c ROOSEVELT with precancel f/ DERTROIT MI (930-236) Nice Commem!
1926 2c Washington W/Precancel F/Baltimore MD (634-L-14Hs) Scarce Type!
8 1922-26 10c MONROE 4th Bureau pairs with local precancels from various towns!!
1923 2c Black Harding w/precancel f/PINE BLUFF AR 610-L-2TSvar1 12.5mm SCARCE!!
1974 6.3c Liberty Bell w/precancel f/SPRINGFIELD MA 1518-71 NICE pair !
1917 50c FRANKLIN with precancel from BUFFALO NY(517-L-4E) Better type
1922 30c 4th Bureau with DLE PRECANCEL f/CHICAGO IL 569-243. DOWN!
1926 12 4th Bureau w/DLE precancels f/SEATTLE WA (243). NICE MINI SET!
1922-26 7, 9 & 10c Precancels from WARREN PA (202) Both flat plate & rotary
1954 1/2c FRANKLIN Precancel from DES MOINES IA (1030-71) Strip of 3
1917 10c FRANKLIN precancel from NASHVILLE TN (510-204) BEAUTIFUL!
1940 1c War & Defense w/precancel f/BREMERTON WA 899-734 Block of 4!
1940 1c War & Defense w/precancel f/GLENDALE CA 899-71 Block of 4!
1940 1c War & Defense w/precancel f/OAKLAND CA 899-71 Block of 4!
1940 1c War & Defense w/precancel f/PASADENA CA 899-71 Block of 4!
1940 1c War & Defense w/precancel f/SALINA KS 899-701 Block of 4!
1913 25c PARCIAL POST Postage Due w/INV precancel f/CHICAGO IL(JQ5-L-4E) Scarce!
US:1926 3c LINCOLN blk/4 f/ ST LOUIS MO(635-43) Bureau precancel. Nice type!
1861 10c Washington Scott No. 68a Scarce This Nicely Centered CV $75.00 as Fine
1924 1.5c HARDING coil line pr with precancel f/ NEW YORK (598-63) Nice stamps!
1954 .5c Liberty w/precancel ERROR f/NIELSVILLE MN 1030-704 SCARCE!
US: Precancel ERROR from POMONA CA (698-L-HS) Town reads "POMOMA".
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