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Southern Rhodesia 1953 to 10s MM
Isle of Man 1991 Christmas Paper Sculptures Booklet MNH
Isle of Man 1992 Harbours Marine Exhiition MNH
Russia 1982 Lenin Locomotives Football Birds Space Flight ITU Youth Artist Used
Tuvalu 1978 Flowers 1984 Flowers 1994 Moon 1995 World War 2 on cover
Tuvalu 1986 Lizards 1987 Crustaceans 1987 Scouts on cover
Poland 1986 Game Exhibition Football Ferries Antarctic Workers sets MNH
Argentina Middle Modern range 1976 values to 100p Useful commemorative issues U
Great Britain 70p Thatching Booklet Right Margin MNH
Poland 1982 TB Kolbe Polar Views Mathematicians Monuments Maps Military MNH
Poland Range of Aviation issues with Balloons and Aircraft Used
Poland 1980 Farm Olympics Scientific Fungi Lenin Revolution Liberation MNH
Luxembourg 1993 Historic Houses set in Block x 4 MNH
Canada Range of Definitive & Commemorative issues with values to $2 Used
Australia Painting Specimen Issue $2 $5 $10 Specimen Issue Ausipex 84 MNH
GB 1998 Christmas 1999 Millennium 1999 Travelers Tales sets Used
Great Britain 1993 600th Anniversary of Abbotsbury Swannery set in pairs Used
GB 1995 Rugby League 1995 Burns 1996 Wildfowl sets Used
GB 1995 Cats 1995 Springtime 1995 National Trust sets Used
Great Britain 1989 Anniversaries Industrial Archaeology Microscopical sets MNH
Isle of Man 1991 Fire Swans Christmas 1992 Parliament Accession Parachute Used
Isle of Man 1992 Construction of Union Pacific Railroad 1866 - 69 set & M/S MNH
Great Britain 50p Gloucester Old Spot Booklet MNH
Great Britain 50p Orchids Booklet MNH
GB 1887 3d 1902 3d 1939 2/6 Machin values 1988 Castles set to £5 Used
GB QV QE2 Range 1937 values to 1s Machin values to 50p 1988 Castles set to £5
GB King Edward VII range with values to 1s Used
Netherlands 1996 Culture Health & Welfare Funds set plus Miniature Sheet MNH
Netherlands 1996 Tourism set in blocks x 4 MNH
Great Britain 1989 Christmas 800th Anniversary of Ely Cathedral in block x 4 FU
GB 1996 Cinema 1996 European Championships 1996 Europa sets Used
Russia 1980 Mordovian Olympics Artists Lenin Pack Helicopters Azerbaijan Used
Russia 1981 Antarctic Party Shipping Communist Space Navigator Ukraine Used
Russia 1981 Space Lenin Wipa Architects Paintings Flight Sports Ships Used
Russia 1980 Olympics 8th Series set & Miniature Sheet Used
Poland 1983 Sports Troops Vienna Army Communications Ghetto Customs Torun MNH
Prinz Quality Stockcards - Approval cards 5 strips with coverfoil 210 x 148mm .
Luxembourg 1981 Luxembourg Culture Coins in the State Museum in block x 4 MNH
Moldova 2007 Cats set in blocks x 4 MNH
GB 1969 Machin £1 1988 Castle £1.50 £2 + Good commemorative issues Used
Finland 1997 Europa Tales & Legends set in Blocks of 4 MNH
Canada Range of Definitive & Commemorative issues with better values Used
Guernsey 1995 Royal Visit Europa Liberation Greeting Stamps on First Day Cover
GB 1999 The Scientists 1999 The Farmers Tale 1999 Soldiers Tale sets Used
Great Britain 1924 Wembley Set Used
GB 1998 Christmas 1999 Millennium 1999 Travelers Tales sets Used
Great Britain 1986 Birthday 1991 Europa 1998 Lighthouse 2006 Brunel sets MNH
Italy 1983 Flowers Tourist Moneta Congress Eucharistic Composer Villas Folk MNH
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