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Scott # 215 - 4c Carmine - Jackson - Used - SCV - $27.50
Scott # 674 - 5c Deep Blue - Roosevelt - Mint Hinged
Scott #235 - 6c Purple - Columbus at Barcelona - MNH - SCV - $150.00
Scott #234 - 5c Chocolate - Columbus Soliciting Aid - Mint Hinged - SCV - $50.00
Scott #288 - 5c Dull Blue - Fremont on the Rocky Mountains - Used -SCV - $25.00
Scott #373 - 2c Carmine - Hudson-Fulton - Mint Hinged
Russia - Scott #738 - 60k Rose Carmine - MNH
Scott# 554c - 2c Carmine - Washington - perf 11 booklet pane of 6 - MH
Scott # 246 - 1c Ultramarine - Franklin - Used - SCV - $7.00
Scott # 514 - 15c Gray - Franklin - Used
Scott #Q9 - 25c Carmine Rose - Parcel Post - Used -SCV - $8.50
Scott # 295 - 2c Carmine & Black - Empire State Express - Mint Hinged
Scott #C19 - Airmail, 6c Dull Orange - Mint Hinged
Scott # O90- 15c Rose - Webster - Official Stamps - Used
Scott #403 - 5c Blue - Golden Gate - Used -SCV - $20.00
Scott# 420 - 30 cent Orange Red - Franklin - Used
Scott # 675 - 6c Orange - Garfield - Mint Hinged - $35.00 SCV
Scott # J86 - 50c Vermilion - Mint Hinged
Scott # 612 - 2c Black - Harding - perf 10 - MNH - SCV $32.50
Canal Zone - Scott #60 - 1c Green - Used
Scott # 26 - 3c Dull Red - Washington - Used
Germany - Scott # B327 - B330 - Semi-postals - Used
Scott #1393 - 6c Blue - Eisenhower- MNH
Scott #1278- 5c Green - Thomas Jefferson - MNH
Scott # 656 - 2c Carmine Rose- Edison's First Lamp - MNH
Scott # O83 - 1c Rose - Franklin - Official Stamps - Used
Scott #377 - 4cent Brown - Washington - Used
Scott #308 - 13c Purple Black - Used -SCV - $11.00
Scott #328 - 1c Green - Captain John Smith - MNH - SCV - $70.00
Scott# 515 - 20c Light Ultramarine - Franklin - Used
Scott # 557 - 5c Dark Blue - Roosevelt- Mint Hinged - SCV $16.00
Scott # 550 - 5c Deep Blue - plate # single - Mint Hinged - SCV $35.00
Scott # 561 - 9 cent Rose - Jefferson - Mint Hinged
Scott # 549 - 2c Carmine Rose - Landing of the Pilgrims - MNH
Scott# C35 - 15c Blue Green- Statue of Liberty - MNH
Scott #2258 - 13 cent Black - 10 Vert. Coil pair - MNH
Germany - Scott # B140 - 6p+19p - Semi-postals - Used
Scott # 881 - 3c Bright Red Violet - plate block of 4 - MNH
Scott# 804b - 1c Green - Washington - perf 11x10.5 - booklet pane of 6 - MNH
Canal Zone, Scott #31 - 1c Dark Green & Black - Used
Germany - Scott # B5 - 5m=100m - Semi-postals - Mint Hinged
Scott # R66c- Revenue stamp - $1 Conveyance, red- Used - SCV - $25.00
Scott #C1 - Airmail, 6 cent Red Orange- Mint Hinged - $55.00 SCV
Scott #E3 - Special Delivery - 10c Orange - Used -SCV - $55.00
Germany - Scott # B320 - B322 - Semi-postals - MNH
Scott# 509 - 9c Salmon Red - Washington - Used
Scott #327 -10c Red Brown- Louisiana Purchase - Used -SCV - $27.50
Scott# 599 - 2 cent Carmine Line Pair - Washington - MNH
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