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Guatemala - 426, MNH. F. Ximenez...SCV - $0.45
Bequa St. Vincent - 260-67, MNH Set. Tennis. SCV - $5.40
Zambia - 443, MNH. UN Child Survival. SCV - $2.50
St. Vincent - 958-59, MNH Set in Pairs. Royal Wedding. SCV - $ 2.90
Grenadines of St. Vincent - 469-71, MNH Set. Christmas. SCV - $0.90
Bahamas - 753, MNH S/S. Discovery of America. SCV - $6.50
Nevis - 118-20, MNH Set. Christmas. SCV - $1.20
Tuvalu - 75, MNH. Fairy Tern. SCV - $2.40
UN, Geneva - 87-88, MNH Set. Int Court, Justice. SCV - $1.00
Brazil - 2351, MNH Complete. Port of Santos. SCV - $0.80
Turkey - 1725, Used...Kemal Ataturk. SCV - $0.25
Guatemala - C340, MNH. Msgr. Areliano...SCV - $0.25
Congo - 456, MNH. Monkey. SCV - $6.00
Hungary - 3218, MNH Complete. Bank Anniversary. SCV - $.75
Barbuda - 391-93, MNH Set. Int. Civil Aviation Org., 30th Anniv. SCV - $1.50
Barbuda - 581, MNH S/S. Graf Zeppelin. SCV - $4.50
Gambia - 627, MNH. AMERIPEX; Auto. SCV - $3.25
Zaire - 1156, MNH...Running. SCV - $1.10
Nevis - 521-22, MNH Set (Pairs/Ovpt.) Royal Congrats. SCV - $1.95
Brazil -1943, MNH Complete. Banco Economico. SCV - $0.30
Sri Lanka - 692, MNH. Ceylon White Eye. SCV - $1.20
Guatemala - C752, MNH. Bank Centenary. SCV - $0.30
British Virgin Islands - 537-40, MNH Set in Pairs. Royal Wedding. SCV - $3.40
St. Thomas Prince Is.- 577, MNH Imperf. S/S. Sir Rowland Hill. SCV - $11.00
Uruguay - C318, MNH S/S. World Basketball Championship. SCV - $2.50
Lesotho - 444, MNH S/S. 1984 Summer Olympics. SCV - $1.60
Tuvalu-Niutao - 51-52, MNH Imperf Set. Royal Wedding
UN, NY - 47-48, MNH Set. Flame and Globe. SCV - $0.50
UN, Vienna - 7, MNH, Complete. Economic Order. SCV - $0.60
Chad - 342, MNH - Soccer. SCV - $0.75
Canada - 351, Used, Complete. Eskimo and Kayak. SCV - $0.20
Russia - 5960-03, MNH Set w/ Labels. Paintings. SCV - $1.40
Russia - 3109, MNH - Ship. SCV - $1.40
Jamaica - 499, MNH Strip of 4 Complete.Indian Coney. SCV - $1.25
Mozambique - 1427, CTO, Sheet of 6. Olympic Medalists.
Hungary - C55-58, C82. MNH Short Set. Explorers and Inventors. SCV - $3.55
UN, NY - 86-87, MNH Set. Bank... SCV - $0.50
UN, NY - 308-09 MNH Set. Undro. SCV - $0.60
Antigua - 937, MNH. Empire State Express. SCV - $3.25
Guinea - 336-39, C61, MNH Set. E. Roosevelt . SCV - $1.90
Portugal - 1410, MNH Complete. Sabastiao Magathaes Lima. SCV - $0.25
Brazil - 2421, MNH Complete. Natl Congress. SCV - $0.45
Liberia - 895, MNH. Clasped Hands. SCV - $1.40
UN, Geneva - 205-06, MNH Set. Ban Chem. Weapons. SCV - $6.00
Romania - 3743, MNH S/S Complete. Grenada '92 Exhibition. SCV - $1.60
Nevis - 427-30, MNH Set. Queen Mother. SCV - $1.80
St, Lucia - 839-40, MNH Set in Pairs. Royal Wedding. SCV - $3.50
Nevis - 498-500, MNH Set (Pairs & S/S). Royal Wedding. SCV - $5.90
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