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Barbuda - 581, MNH S/S. Graf Zeppelin. SCV - $4.50
20h 59m |
St. Thomas and Prince Is. 518, MNH S/S, Complete. Roland Hill. SCV - $27.50
was $8
20h 59m
Montserrat - 358 MNH S/S. Christmas 1976. SCV - $2.00
Bequa St. Vincent - 260-67, MNH Set. Tennis. SCV - $5.40
Barbuda - 391-93, MNH Set. Int. Civil Aviation Org., 30th Anniv. SCV - $1.50
St. Lucia - 760, MNH. Uniform. SCV - $6.25
Trinidad and Tobago - 186, MNH Complete. UPU Headquarters. SCV - $0.50
Barbuda - 175, MNH. Holy Trinity School. SCV - $.45
St. Thomas & Prince Is. - 1241, MNH S/S. Elephant. SCV-$6.00
Bahamas - 667, MNH S/S. Discovery of America. SCV - $7.00
St. Vincent - 845-8, MNH Set. Traditional Instruments. SCV - $2.00
Grenadines St. Vincent - 606-13, MNH Set. Cricketers. SCV - $6.75
Antigua - 905-08, MNH Set. Christmas. SCV - $4.70
St. Vincent - 1693 - 1704, MNH Set. Ball Players. SCV-$40.00
St. Vincent -988-95, MNH Set. Wimbledon Tennis Championships, SCV - $5.00
Nevis - 381-82, MNH Set in Pairs. Royal Wedding. SCV = $2.10
Barbuda - 302-04, MNH Set. Royal Visit. SCV - $0.90
Trinidad & Tobago- MNH, $19.35 Face Value Ins. Revenue Stamp
St. Vincent - 923 - 36, MNH Set. Elizabeth II 65th Birthday. SCV - $6.50
Bahamas - 729, MNH S/S. Discovery of America. SCV - $14.00
Bahamas - 644, MNH S/S. Discovery of America. SCV - $12.00
Turks and Caicos Islands - 527-30, MNH Set. Norman Rockwell. SCV - $1.40
Dominica - 668 MNH S/S. 1980 Olympics, Moscow. SCV - $1.40
St. Vincent-Bequia - 232-5, MNH Set -Royal Wedding.SCV-$2.40
St. Kitts - 78, MNH. Royal Wedding. SCV - $0.75
Grenada - 1051-53, MNH Set. Royal Wedding. SCV - $0.95
Trinidad and Tobago - 163-65, MNH Set. CARIFTA Members. SCV - $1.10
St. Thomas & Prince Islands - 1237-40, MNH Set. SCV - $15.00
St. Lucia - 782-85, MNH Set (Pairs). Queen Mother, 85th Birthday. SCV - $1.55
Trinidad and Tobago - 183-85, MNH Set. UN, 25th Anniversary. SCV - $1.50
Montserrat - 569-72, MNH Set. Cotton Industry. SCV - $1.15
Trinidad and Tobago - 160-61, MNH Set. Capt. Cipriani. SCV - $0.50
St. Vincent - 976-77, MNH Set (Pairs), Overprint. Wedding Congrats. SCV - $3.50
Barbuda - 212, MNH. Ship; Battle. SCV - $1.50
Grenada - 1360, MNH S/S. Heritage Year. SCV - $3.25
St. Lucia - 871, MNH S/S. Christmas. SCV - $3.50
Barbuda - 211, MNH. Ships Firing. SCV - $1.25
Antigua - 424, MNH. US Bicentennial, Powder Horn...
Montserrat - 615-16, MNH Set (Pairs). Royal Wedding. SCV - $1.70
St. Vincent - 903-05. MNH Set. Christmas. SCV - $2.50
Grenada Grenadines - 444a - MNH Booklet Pane of 6. SCV - $2.25
St. Vincent - 878-81, MNH Set of S/S. E. Presley. SCV-$18.65
St. Vincent - 1044-47, MNH Set. Auto Centenary. SCV - $6.25
St Vincent - 895 and 896 a and b. Michael Jackson. SCV - $6.00
St. Lucia - 879, MNH Hi-Value Military Uniform. SCV - $17.50
Barbuda - 493-5, MNH S/S Set - Royal Wedding. SCV - $9.00
Barbuda - 318-22, MNH Sets (Blocks of 4). Anniversaries. SCV - $12.25
St. Thomas and Prince Is. 1237-41 MNH Set and S/S. Greenpeace Anniv.
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