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I carry a variety of mint and used foreign stamps at what I hope is the lowest price possible while still making a reasonable profit,
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Guyana 3356 MNH Scout World Jamboree Souvenir Sheet 1998.
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Bolivia 583a MNH, US Bicentennial Souvenir Sheet from 1976.
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Brazil 1060a MNH, Christmas Souvenir Sheet from 1967.
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Brazil 1147a MNH, Christmas Souvenir Sheet from 1969.
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Brazil 943, 140 Yrs. of Independence FD Card from 1962
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Brazil 1308a MNH, Proclamation of Pope Paul VI Souvenir Sheet from 1973.
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Brazil 1181a MNH, Christmas Souvenir Sheet from 1970.
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Brazil 1062a MNH, Week of the Wing Souvenir Sheet from 1967.
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Guyana 3493-94 MNH, Von Zepellin Souvenir Sheets from 2000.
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Belize (Cayes of) 22-25 MLH, Audubon Birth Bicent. Set from 1985.
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Belize 906-09 MLH, Red Cross Set from 1988.
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Belize 851-52 MLH, Disney Characters Set from 1986.
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Belize 786-95 MLH, Disneyland 30th. Anniversary Set from 1985.
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Belize 618-20 MLH, Diana 21st. Birthday Sheetlets from 1982.
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Belize 500-01 MLH, Birds of Belize Souvenir Sheet Set from 1980.
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Belize 835-42 MLH, Intl. Year of Peace Set from 1986.
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Belize 817a,b,c,-19 MLH, Statue of Liberty Centennial Set from 1986.
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Guyana 3984 MNH, 80th Birthday of Pope Benedict XVI Souvenir Sheet from 2007..
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Great Britain BK156 MNH, Wales Cplt. Booklet from 1992.
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Belize 624 MLH, Diana 21st. Birthday Souvenir Sheet from 1982.
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Belize 523-24 inc. 523 sheetlet MLH, Queen Mother 80th. Birthday Set from 1980..
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Belize 502 MLH, Birds of Belize 'ESPAMER 80' Stamp Expo Surcharged...
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Belize 395-96 MLH, Defense Forces Overprinted Gutter Pairs from 1978.
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Belize 354b MLH, Butterfly Issue with (Wmk. 373) from 1978.
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Belize 500a-f, 501a-b MLH, Birds of Belize Block and Pair from 1980.
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Belize 393-94 MLH, PAHO 75th. Anniv. Gutter Pairs Set from 1977.
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Colombia 647a MNH, Military Cadets Souvenir Sheet from 1957.
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