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Spain 1981 [SLL] HB The Guernica in Spain II (MNH)
Spain 1948 [CARTOON] MP Cartoons Exhibition Sabadell (MNH)
Spain 1948 [CARTOON] MP Cartoons Exhibition Sabadell (MNH)
Spain 1963 [SLL] Forgers of America Series IV (MNH)
Spain 1926 [SLL] Tribute to the Spanish Red Cross. 50 cents (MNH)
Spain 1948 [CARTOON] MP Cartoons Exhibition Sabadell (MNH)
Canada 1987 [LAN] Annual book with stamps (N)
Canada 1986 [LAN] Annual book with stamps (N)
Spain 1971 [SLL] Series 400th Anniversary of the Battle of Lepanto (MNH)
Spain 1971 [SLL] Holy Year Compostela Series II (MNH)
Spain 1964 [SLL] Explorers and Colonizers of America Series V (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] HB V Centenary of the Birth of Charles V (MNH)
Spain 2002 [SLL] HB Exfilna 2002. Salamanca (MNH)
Spain 2001 [SLL] HB Exfilna 2001. Vigo (MNH)
Spain 2002 [SLL] Card The Flower and the Landscape, by E. Naranjo (MNH)
Spain 1956 [SLL] Hungarian Childhood Pro Series (MNH)
Spain 1971 [SLL] Stamp Day Series. Ignacio Zuloaga (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] Spanish Literature Series. Fictional Characters (MNH)
Spain 1963 [SLL] Spanish Characters Series (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] HB Exhibition Spain 2000. Television (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] HB Exhibition Spain 2000. Sara Baras (MNH)
Spain 1978 [SLL] Anniversary Series (MNH)
Spain 1954 [SLL] Marian Year. Our Lady of Guadalupe. 3 pts (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] HB Exhibition Spain 2000. Joaquín Coertés (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] HB Exhibition Spain 2000. Raúl González (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] HB Exhibition Spain 2000. Miguel Indurain (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] HB Exhibition Spain 2000. Antonio Banderas (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] World Heritage Series (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] HB V Centenary of Juan de la Cosa's letter (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] HB Exfilna 2000. Avilés. Asturias (MNH)
Spain 1954 [SLL] Marian Year. Our Lady of Almudena. 1 pts (MNH)
Spain 1954 [SLL] Marian Year. Our Lady of Pilar. 50 cts (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] Prince Felipe Museum. Valencia. 185 pts (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] Series The Ages of Man (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] Series V Centenary of the Birth of Charles V (MNH)
Spain 1959 [SLL] Stamp Day Series. Diego Velázquez (MNH)
Spain 1958 [SLL] Stamp Day Series. Francisco de Goya (MNH)
Spain 2000 [SLL] Endangered Species Series (MNH)
Spain 1980 [SLL] Aviation Pioneers Series (MNH)
Spain 1980 [SLL] Christmas Series (MNH)
Spain 1980 [SLL] Security Conference (MNH)
Spain 1980 [SLL] IV Centenary Foundation of Buenos Aires (MNH)
Spain 1980 [SLL] Ramón Pérez de Ayala (MNH)
Spain 1980 [SLL] Festival of the Virgin of La Palma (MNH)
Spain 1980 [SLL] First National Philately Exhibition (MNH)
Spain 1980 [SLL] Stamp Day 1980 (MNH)
Spain 1980 [SLL] Hellen Keller Centenary (MNH)
Spain 1980 [SLL] The Treasury and the Bourbons (MNH)
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