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1997 Falkland Islands Sc# 686-89, QEII, Flora, Fauna, Marine Life. MNH Cv$18.50
1986 Falkland Islands Sc# 437-40, QEII, Marine Life, Seashells. MNH Cv$6.80
1990 Falkland Islands Sc# 520-23, QEII, Bird Sanctuaries. MNH Cv$5.80
1935 Gibraltar Sc# 101 - 4d, KGV Jubilee & Windsor Castle. Used Cv$4.50
1933 Falkland Islands Sc# 65 - ½p, Romney Marsh Ram, Sheep - MH
1939 Germany Administration Danzig Sc #243 247 248 249 250 251 252. MH Cv$24.50
1954-55 Malaya Malacca Sc #42 - $1 QEII, "Palm Oasis" MH postage stamp
185-587 Ceylon Sc# 15 - One Half Penny, Queen Victoria. Used (cracked) Cv$650
1975 St-Pierre et Miquelon Sc# 44 - Puffin & Galantry Lighthouse. MH Cv$5.50
1949 Malaya Perak Sc# 101-04 - UPU 75th Anniversary. Used stamp set Cv$10.75
1859 Hannover Germany Sc# 22 - 3g King George V. Used postage stamp. Cv$60
1978 Falkland Islands Sc# 276-77 - First Flight Southampton-Stanley MNH Cv$6.75
1949 Falkland Islands & Dependencies Sc# 1L13 - 2½p, KGVI & Map. MH Cv$9
1949 Falkland Islands Sc# 101 - 2½p, KGVI, Upland Goose, Bird. MH Cv$7.50
1983 Falkland Islands Sc# 360-71 Commonwealth 150th Anniv. MNH Cv$9.25
2001 Gronland Greenland Sc# 384a -85a postage stamp booklet. MNH Cv$20
1921 Gibraltar Sc# 88 - Four Shillings, KGV. Used Cv$130
1967 Gibraltar Sc# 119 - £1, QEII, Mary Celeste sailing ship. Used Cv$18.50
1960 Gibraltar Sc# 159 - Ten Shillings, QEII, Flowers. Used Cv$17.50
1960 Gibraltar Sc# 160 - £1, QEII, Emblem - Crest. Used Cv$17.50
1855 Switzerland Helvetia Sc# 27 - Red thread. Used Cv$47.50
1953 Gibraltar Sc# 142 - Two Shillings, QEII, Rosia Bay & Straits, MH Cv$32.50
Antique, three pence, brown Swan from 1905-12, Western Australia. Used Sc#92
Antique, three pence, brown Swan from 1905-12, Western Australia. Used Sc#92
1963 South Georgia Sc# 15 - £1, QEII & Blue Whale. Used Cv$45
1950-53 Austria Sc# C54-C60 (airmail) Birds. MNH stamp set Cv$258.40
1950-53 Austria Sc# B269-71 Corinthian Peblisite 30th, Patriotic. MNH Cv$105
2013 Greenland Sc# 652a s/s, 22.50, Nordafar Fishing Boats. MNH Cv$8.25
1984 Iceland Island Sc# 590 m/s Nordia, 1570 Ships & Map - MNH Cv$15
1930 Gibraltar Sc# 94 - Three Pence, KGV. MH Cv$9.50
1921 Gibraltar Sc# 86 - Two Shillings, KGV. MH Cv$11
Antique, one shilling green Swan from 1906, Western Australia. Used Sc#100
Antique, six pence purple Swan from 1906, Western Australia. Used Sc#99
Antique, one penny yellow Swan from 1912, Western Australia. Mint hinged Sc#103
Antique, one penny yellow Swan from 1912, Western Australia. Used Sc#103
Antique, one penny yellow Swan from 1912, Western Australia. Used Sc#103
Antique, one penny red Swan from 1905-12, Western Australia. Used Sc#90
Antique, one penny red Swan from 1905-12, Western Australia. Used Sc#90
1938 Falkland Islands, South Shetland Sc# 5L6 - 6p, KGVI, Ship. MNH Cv$19
1974 Falkland Islands Sc# 210a - ½p, QEII, Dusty Miller, Flower. MNH Cv$15
1968 Falkland Islands Sc# 179 - £1, QEII, Yellow Iris, Flower. MH Cv$11.50
1866 Germany, Schleswig Holstein Sc# 22 - 1¼ Schilling 'Numeral'. MNG Cv$25
1863 German Brunswick Sc# 6 - ½ sgr "Leaping Saxon Horse" - MNG Cv$25
1938 Gibraltar Sc# 118 - £1, KGVI, Orange. MH Cv$35
1908 Gibraltar Sc# 56 - Six Pence, KEVII. MH Cv$35
1908 Gibraltar Sc# 56 - Six Pence, KEVII. Used Cv$22.50
1941 Malaya Selangor Sc# 46B - 3¢, Klang Mosque. Used Cv$8
1941 Malaya Selangor Sc# 52A - 15¢, Klang Mosque. MH Cv$7
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