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Germany & Colonies
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1927 Germany Sc# B21 - 25pf, President Paul von Hindenburg. MH Cv$9.50
1934 Germany Sc# 441 - 25pf Mourning of President Hindenburg - Used Cv$8.25
1939 Germany Sc# 490-91 Swastika & Eagle "Young Workers Competition" MH Cv$4
1908 Germany in China, Kiautschou Sc# 37 - 20¢ Kaiser's Yacht. Used Cv$15
1898 Germany, Offices in China Sc# 1 - 3pf Numeral. MH Cv$5.75
1950 DDR Germany Sc# 69 - 24, Mannsfeld Copper Mines. Used.
1864 Hannover Germany Sc# 29 - 3g King George V. Used. Cv$70 Faulty, thin.
1859 Hannover Germany Sc# 23 - 3g King George V. Used. Cv$50 Faulty, thin.
1864 Hannover Germany Sc# 28 - 2g King George V. Used. Cv$60 Faulty, thin.
1945 Germany, British American Bi-Zone. Sc# 3N6 - 8pf. Used SOTN Cv$30
1933 Germany Sc# 407 - 15pf President Hindenburg, Helgoland CDS, Used Cv$26
1933 Germany Sc# 397 - 50pf, President Hindenburg. Used Cv$10.50
1939 Germany Administration, Danzig Sc# 253 - 1 Reichemark. MH Cv$14
1951 Germany DDR Sc# 85-88. World youth flag dance festival. Berlin. MH Cv$36.50
1938 Germany Sc# B119 (semi-postal). 5th Brown Derby Horse Races Cv$21
1901 German Bavaria Sc #55 - 1 Mark, Coat of Arms. Used postage stamp. Cv$8
1851-55 Hannover Germany Sc# 6 - 1/10th Coat of Arms. Used Cv$60 faulty. thin
1856 Hannover Germany Sc# 12 - 1/30th Coat of Arms. Used Cv$32.50
1859 Hannover Germany Sc# 14 - 1/10th Coat of Arms. Used Cv$55 faulty. thin
1859 Hannover Germany Sc# 20 - 2g King George V. Used. Cv$40 Faulty, thin.
1925 Germany Sc# 350 - 5M, Speyer Cathedral, architecture. Used Cv$15
1934 Germany Sc# C56 - 3RM, Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin. Used Cv$42.50 faulty
1984 Germany Berlin Sc# 9NB216-19 (Semi-postal) - Wildflowers - MNH Cv$7.30
1939 Germany Administration Danzig Sc #243 247 248 249 250 251 252. MH Cv$24.50
1859 Hannover Germany Sc# 22 - 3g King George V. Used postage stamp. Cv$60
1866 Germany, Schleswig Holstein Sc# 22 - 1¼ Schilling 'Numeral'. MNG Cv$25
1863 German Brunswick Sc# 6 - ½ sgr "Leaping Saxon Horse" - MNG Cv$25
1903 Germany in China, Kiautschou Sc# 26 - 10¢ Kaiser's Yacht. Used stamp
1865 Germany, Schleswig Holstein Sc# 12 - 1 1/3 Schilling 'Numeral'. Used Cv$60
1864 Germany, Schleswig Holstein Sc# 8 - 1 ¼ Schilling 'Numeral'. Used Cv$20
1903 German Offices in Turkey Sc# 27 - 1 Piaster. Used postage stamp. Cv$7.25
1851-55 Hannover Germany Sc# 3 - 1/30th Coat of Arms. Used Cv$50
1851-55 Hannover Germany Sc# 5 - 1/15th Coat of Arms. Used Cv$80
1856 Hannover Germany Sc# 12 - 1/30th Coat of Arms. Used Cv$32.50
1856 Hannover Germany Sc# 13 - 1/15th Coat of Arms. Used Cv$72.50
1859 Hannover Germany Sc# 16 (no watermark) - 3pf Crown in Oval. Used Cv$100
1859-61 Hannover Germany Sc# 19 - 1g King George V. Used postage stamp.
1851-55 Hannover Germany Sc# 2a - 1gg Coat of Arms. Used Cv$32.50
1938 Germany Sc# B118 & B120 (semi-postal). Adolf Hitler. Used Cv$6.85
1945-46 German Saxony Sc# 13N1a (imperf) 1pf, Russian Occupation. Used Cv$4
1942 Germany Sc# O99 & O103 (official). 3rd Reich, Swastika. MH Cv$7
1934 Germany Sc# C49 & C53 (airmail) Swastika Sun, Globe & Eagle. MH Cv$7.25
1869 North German Confederation Sc# 18 - 5gr bister. Used postage stamp. Cv$10
1868 North German Confederation Sc#6 - 5gr bister. Used postage stamp. Cv$9.50
1850-58 German Bavaria Sc #5 - 6kr Numeral, Used postage stamp. Cv$6.50
1906-13 Germany, Offices in China Sc# 50 - 10¢ on 20pf. Used Cv$7
1924 Germany Sc# 337-39 Castles, Architecture. Used Cv$13
1862 German Thurn & Taxis, Southern District Sc# 54 - 6KR - Used Cv$30
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