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1920 Bermuda Sc# 69 - 6d KGV, Caravel Ship, Seal of the Colony Used Cv$95 faulty
Rare - 1921-26 Cayman Islands Sc# 63 - 10 Shillings, KGV - MH stamp Cv$72.50
1923 Leeward Islands - Sc# 72 - 3 Pence, KGV, MH stamp Cv$8.50
1962 Cayman Islands Sc# 164 - 1sh9p, QEII, Water Sports, Sailing. MNH Cv$16.50
1953 Antigua Sc# 107-21 - QEII Definitive Landscapes. Complete set MH Cv$77.95
1912 Leeward Islands - Sc# 51 - 3 Pence, KGV, MH stamp Cv$4
1912 Leeward Islands - Sc# 49 - 2 Pence, KGV, MH stamp Cv$4.25
1912-19 Saint Lucia Sc #67 - 2½ Pence, KEVII. MH postage stamp. Cv$4.50
1912-19 Saint Lucia Sc #70 - One Shilling, KGV. MH postage stamp. Cv$7
1906 Bahamas Sc# 45 - One Penny, KEVII - MH postage stamp Cv$32.50
1922 Trinidad & Tobago Sc #27 - Six Pence, KGV. Used Cv$29
1967 St. Lucia Sc# C1 imperf, Telecommunications, Statehood, Map - MNH Cv$40
1870 St. Christopher Sc# 2 - One Penny - Queen Victoria - MNG Cv$82.50
1906 Barbados Sc# 107 - Six Pence, Lord Nelson Monument. MNH Cv$22.50
1924 Bahamas Sc# 82 - 3 Shillings, Queen's Staircase. MH postage stamp Cv$60
1876 Nevis Sc# 14A - One Penny, Medicinal Spring. MNG Cv$45
1921 Bermuda - Sc# 71-79 Set of KGV Tercentenary of Institution MH/Used Cv$127
1976 Grenada Sc# 724-29 - 50th Anniv. of Girl Guides. MH Cv$3.75
1907 Bahamas Sc# 46 - 2½ Penny, KEVII - MH postage stamp Cv$32.50
1953-58 Bermuda Sc# 161 - 10sh, QEII Definitive - Colonial Coinage - Used Cv$9
1953-58 Bermuda Sc# 162 - £1 , QEII, Coat of Arms - Used Cv$24
1965 Bermuda Sc #182A - 10 Pence, QEII, Definitive, Cottage. MH stamp Cv$8.75
1962-65 Bermuda Sc #190 - 10sh, QEII, Definitive, Post Office. MH stamp Cv$4.50
1962-65 Bermuda Sc #191 - £1, QEII, Definitive, House of Assembly. MH Cv$14
1966 Bermuda Sc #185A - 1sh6p, QEII, H.M. Drydock, MH stamp. Cv$4.50
1970 Barbados Sc# 348-52 QEII, Orchids, Flowers. MNH postage stamps Cv$6.65
1976 St.Vincent Sc# 465-69 Flowers & Hummingbirds. MNH postage stamp set Cv$9
1922 Bahamas Sc# 81 - Two Shillings, Queen's Staircase. MH postage stamp Cv$30
1901 Bahamas Sc# 33 - One Penny, Queen's Staircase. MH postage stamp Cv$15
1941 Grenada Sc# 140a (pf. 13½ x 12½) 2 Shilling, KGVI & Sailing Ship. MH Cv$21
1935 Dominica Sc# 90-93 - KGV Silver Jubilee / Castle - MH stamp set Cv$18.35
1935 St.Lucia Sc# 91-94 - KGV Silver Jubilee / Castle - MH stamp set Cv$16
1970 Cayman Islands Sc# 262-76 QEII Cultural Definitive stamp set - MNH Cv$12.50
1922 Bahamas Sc# 78 - Five Pence, Queen's Staircase. MH postage stamp Cv$5.50
1984 Dominica Sc# 827-30 - WWF promo, Bird Set - MNH postage stamps Cv$29.50
1954 Leeward Islands Sc# 133-45 - ½¢ to $1.20 - QEII Definitives - MNH Cv$39.75
1938 Montserrat Sc# 92a-101a (pf13) KGVI Pictorials. MH stamp set Cv$98.35
1938 Montserrat Sc# 92-103 KGVI Pictorials. MH stamp set Cv$62.40
1934 Grenada Sc# 114-23, KGV & Sailing Ship "Clarior E Tenebris". MH Cv$72.15
1970 Bahamas - Sc# 303-06 QEII, Peace on Earth, transportation types. Cv$6.80
1969 Cayman Islands Sc# 210-24 - QEII Cultural Definitives Set. MNH Cv$9
1969 Cayman Islands Sc# 227-41 - QEII Cultural Definitives Set. MNH Cv$9.60
1976 Grenada Grenadines Sc# 75-81 Butterflies, Insects - MNH stamp set Cv$6.50
1974 Grenada Grenadines Sc# 5-14 QEII, Flora & Fauna - MNH stamp set Cv$16.55
1999 Jamaica Sc #876a Cochleanthes Flabellformis Flower - Used stamp
1908-20 Antigua Sc# 31 - Half Penny, Seal of the Colony - MH Cv$5.25
1921 Bermuda - Sc# 71-79 Set of KGV Tercentenary of Institution MH Cv$118.75
1905 Turks & Caicos Islands Sc #10 - ½p Dependency's Badge (ship) MH Cv$5.75
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