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#3052d, pane of 20, PL# S222. "Coral Pink Rose" MNH, .33cent
5800 (A-L), Set of 12 stamps. " Waterfalls ", MNH, Forever
4108b, Booklet pane of 20. " Snowflakes ", MNH. .39 cent
#3077-80, BLK-4 "Prehistoric Animals" MNH, .32 cent
4218b, ATM Pane of 18, Holiday Knits, MNH, PL# V1111.
4860, Single, "Abe Lincoln" MNH, .21 cent
#2240-43, PB of 4 L/R, "Folk Art- Wood carved Figurines" MNH, .22 cent
3377, Single, "Ohio Class Sub.- USS Maryland" MNH, .55 cent
#3537-40 Set of 4,2pair. " Santas-From #3540d pane" Small Date, MNH..34 cent(3)
4423b, Single plus. "Western Gull & Southern Sea Otter" MNH, .44 cent
5255, Single, " Love " MNH, Forever.
5769-73, Coil, Strip-5, W/BK#06040. "Tulip Blossoms", MNH, Forever
5202, Strip of 4 W/Hdr. " Henry David Thoreau ", MNH, Forever.
#5756, Coil, Single "Patriotic Block, non-profit" .05 cent MNH
2791-94, PB-4 L/R, "Jack in the Box" MNH .29 cent
4957a, (No Die Cut) Strip of 3 W/HDR. "Lunar New Year-Ram" MNH, Forever
5243-46, 5246b, Booklet pane of 20. " Snowy Days ", MNH, Forever.
4945b, Booklet Pane of 20, NO DIE CUT, "Christmas Magi" MNH, Forever
4475, PB-4 U/R. "Mother Teresa" MNH, .44 cent
4125(CF), Pair, "Liberty Bell" '08' MNH.(2)
4626, Single, " Love " MNH, Forever.
3278j, pane of 10, PL# V2222. "Flag over City" MNH, .33cent.(2)
4125(CF), Pair, "Liberty Bell" '08' MNH.(1)
3077-80, PB-4U/L, P3333, "Prehistoric Animals" MNH, .32 cent
2620-23, PB-4 L/L, "Columbus's Voyages" MNH, .29 cent
5800 (A-L), Set of 12, (3 No Die Cut strips). " Waterfalls ", MNH, Forever.
#3943, PB-4 U/L. "Greta Garbo" .37 MNH
3808-11 BLK-4, "Early Football Heroes" MNH .37 cent
5714A, Booklet pane of 20. "Elephants", MNH, Forever.
#2245, PB-4L/L. " Village Scene " MNH, .22 cent
2715-18a, Pane of 4 W/PL# on Tab. " Greetings ", MNH, .29 cent.(a)
2595A, Pane of 17, "Brown Eagle" B4344-3. MNH, .29 cent (Key pane this issue)(B)
2490v, Strip of 5. "Red Rose" MNH, .29 cent
5435, Coil, Single, "Wild Orchids- Platanthera Grandiflora", MNH, Forever.
2597v, "Red - Eagle/Shield", Strip of 5. MNH, 29cent
3462-65A, PNC-9, B1111, "Lillies", MNH. (.34 Cent)-a
Or Best Offer
2155-58, BLK-4, "Sport Horses" MNH,.22 cent
#3356-59, PB-4 L/R. "Jumping Deer", MNH. 33 cent
#2372-75, Set-4 Singles. " CATS " MNH, .22 cent
5201, Coil, Single, " Strawberries " MNH. .03 cent
5362, Coil, Single, " Star Ribbon " MNH. (Forever)
3363A, Pane of 20, "Jumping Deer" PL# B555555. MNH, .33 cent
5311, Plate Block of 4 R. Side. "Global Poinsettia" MNH, Forever
2920A, Booklet Pane of 20 " Flag over Porch " (V56663) MNH, .32 cent
BK192, Un-Exploded Booklet, "Space Exploration" MNH, .29 cent.
3230-34, PB-8 W/Hdr. "Bright Eyes", MNH, .32cent.
#5131A(CF), Pane of 10 (PL#P1111). "Patriotic Spiral" MNH (Forever)
4709b, ATM Pane of 18, Four Flags, MNH, PL# P1111.
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