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The Netherland Stamp & Its Varieties Scotts 913 Spiral bound 73 color pages
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The Belgium Stamp & Its Varieties Scotts 914 Spiral bound 87 color pages
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The Norway Stamp & It's Varieties, Scott's 911, Spiral bound, 80 co...
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917b Yugoslavia MNH DOUBLE BLACK - block of 4 - see scans yu003
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1209a MNH Jackson tagged plate block 4 - see scan
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565 used American Indian - see scan
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740-749 MNH Parks set
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The Greece Stamp & It's Varieties, Scott's 916, Spiral bound, 94 co...
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The Luxembourg Stamp & Its Varieties Scotts 912 Spiral bound 78 color pages
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698 used Golden Gate, perf 10.5x11 - see scan
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726 MHN Oglethorpe - see scan
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1137 MNH Reuter - see scan
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C19 used Winged Globe, great cancel - see scan
The Czechoslovakia Stamp & It's Varieties, Scott's 910, Spiral boun...
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700 used Buffalo, perf 10.5x11 - see scan
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917b Yugoslavia MNH DOUBLE RED - block of 4 - see scans yu006
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2258 MNH Patrol Wagon PS5- see scan
1616b Capital MNH precanceled, Dull gum, strip of 5
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591 used Monroe perf 10 - see scan
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697 used Wilson, perf 10.5x11 - see scan
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1305C used O'Neil coil - see scan
567 used Golden Gate - see scan
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567 used Golden Gate - see scan
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1313 MNH Poland plate block - see scan
917b Yugoslavia MNH DOUBLE BLACK - Arrow block of 6 - see scans yu004
917b Yugoslavia MNH XF REVERSE PRINTING & DOUBLE BLACK blk of 4 see scans y010
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900 MNH Gun Plane block 4 - see scan
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The France Stamp & Its Varieties Scotts 915 Spiral bound 81 color pages
1153 MNH Flag - see scan
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586 used Roosevelt perf 10 - see scan
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699 used Niagara Falls, perf 10.5x11 - see scan
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700 used Buffalo - see scan
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2124 MNH Buckboard PS5- see scan
728 MNH Century Of Progress - see scan
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1846 MNH Clay, plate block 4 - see scan
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1393 MNH Eisenhower, plate block of 4, dull gum - see scan
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861 MNH Emerson - see scan
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994 MNH Missouri - see scan
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610 used Harding perf 11 - see scan
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731 3c Century of Progress - APS Souvenir Sheet MNH, no gum as issued
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700 used Buffalo, perf 10.5x11 - see scan
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641 used Jefferson, perf 11x10.5 - see scan
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1313 MNH Poland plate block - see scan
1701 MNH Christmas Nativity, gutter snipe - see scan
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909c MNH Poland, reverse printing, Script & Flag varieties EFO see scans po051
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1200 MNH Atomic Energy plate block 4 - see scan
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914 MNH Belgium Block of 6 be001
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E3 10c Special Delivery, used
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