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Guinea 2014 SS Malaria MNH
Czechoslovakia #3175 a-d Sheet of 4 Butterflies MNH
Sierra Leone 2015 SS Malaria MNH
Sierra Leone 2015 Malaria sheet of 4 MNH
Guinea Bissau 2012 Malaria sheet of 4 MNH
Gambia #2568-2571 Moths 2002 MNH
Gambia #2927A Butterfly 2005 MNH
Bhutan #1373 a-f Butterflies sheet of 6 2002 MNH
Gambia #2924A Butterfly 2005 MNH
St. Vincent Bequia 2011 sheet of 4 Butterflies MNH
St. Vincent Bequia 2010 sheet of 2 Butterflies MNH
Mali 2010 SS Otto Staudinger Entomologist Lepidopterist Butterflies MNH
Burundi #240-251 Butterflies 1968 short set MNH
El Salvador #C255 Butterfly 1969 MNH
Ajman 1972 Butterflies -- Night series - set of 8 CTO
China PRC #231-233 Stalin 1954 MNH
Guyana #1901 Butterflies sheet of 25 1988 "WHO" overprint MNH
Central African Republic #962 S/S Scouts and Butterflies 1990 MNH
Guyana #O15 Butterfly 1981 "OPS" overprint MNH
Guyana #2332-2339 Butterflies 1990 MNH
Czechoslovakia #1121-1122 Malaria 1962 MNH
Congo #875A S/S Mushrooms and Butterflies 1991 MNH
Korea North 2826 a-f Insects 1989 MNH
Guyana #2415-2422 Butterflies surcharged 1991 MNH
Gugh Island (Scotland Local) 1978 Butterflies sheet of 6 MNH
China (PRC) #202-205 Portraits 1953 MNH
Congo #873 single + S/S Mushrooms and Butterflies 1991 MNH
Guyana #1873 a-h Postal History #4 overprint 1988 MNH
Ajman 1972 Butterflies -- Famous series -- set of 5 plus Souvenir Sheet CTO
Jersey #568-571 Butterflies 1991 MNH
Guyana #E16-E17 S/S Butterflies 1989 "EXPRESS" overprint MNH
Gibraltar #309a Pillar Boxes 1974 booklet page of 6
Bermuda #536-540 Old Garden Roses 1988 MNH
Lesotho #140-146 Butterflies 1973 MNH
Guyana #287-289 Butterflies 1978 MLH
Great Britain #393-394 Nature Week 1963 MNH
Grenada Grenadines #1968 a-f 1997 Butterflies sheet of 6 MNH
Congo #C378-C381 Butterflies 1987 MNH
Colombia #C615-C618 Paintings 1975 used
Mongolia 1993 Owl, panda, butterfly silver foil S/S
Canada #326 on WHO 1962 FDC for malaria eradication campaign
Laos #1243-1246 Insects 1995 MNH
Laos #386-391 Butterflies 1982 1982 MNH
Kiribati #648a S/S Flower and Butterfly 1994 MNH
Guyana #481 Butterfly "George Washington" overprint 1982 MNH
South Korea #1371 Customs Cooperation Council 1984 MNH
Cuba #4034 Tourism, Butterfly 1999 MNH
Mozambique #1550 a-i sheet of 9 African Fauna 2002 MNH
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