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US #147 1870-71 Washington 3 Cents (Green) Mint Light Hinged
Hong Kong Scott #328-329 1976 Hong Kong Girl Guides - Mint Never Hinged
US #210 1883 Washington 2 Cents (Brown)- Mint Never Hinged
Cyprus Scott #20 1882-94 30 Paras (Violet) DIE B - Used
Gibraltar Scott #108A George VI 1p Perf 14 - Mint LH
Rhodesia Scott #30A 1896 Coat of Arms- 4p (Ultra/RED Lilac) DIE II- Mint Hinged
Canada Scott #411 1963 Export Crate and MAP - Mint Never Hinged
Canada Scott #E2 1922 Special Delivery 20 Cents - Mint Light Hinged
Great Britain Scott #64 (Plate 12) 1873-80 1 Shilling (Green) - WMK 25 - Used
British Virgin IS. Scott #19 1889 1p (Rose ) WMK 2 - Mint Hinged
Solomon Islands Scott #104 1956-60- Qeii 10 Shilling- Mint Never Hinged
Great Britain Scott #O36 1887-92 Government Parcel 1sh (Green) - Used
Sierra Leone Scott #6A - 1873 1p (Rose) Perf 12 1/2- WMK 1 Upright- Used
Great Britain Scott #159-172/183 1912-1922 George V Definitives WMK 33- Used
Romania- 650+ Stamps Late XIX Century to 1970'S- Mostly Used-Some Duplication
Pitcairn Islands-Scott #35/39-51/60-63/97-109/129-146 Qeii Sets- Mint LH
Aden -Seiyun- Scott #29-41 1954/1964 Sultan Hussein -Mint Never/Xxxlight Hinged
Gold Coast Scott #130-141 1948 George VI Pictorials - Mint Xxxlight Hinged
Mauritius Scott #126 1902 Coat of Arms- Five Rupees- Used
Canada Scott #27 1868-75 Large Queen 6c (Dark Brown )- Mint NO GUM
Somaliland Protectorate Scott #40-47 1905 Edwrd VII WMK 3-Short Set-Mint Hinged
US #3413 2000 Landing on the Moon $11.75 Stamp - Mint Never Hinged
Canada- 1980 to 1994 Collection on Schaubek Hingeless Pages- Mint NH
Or Best Offer
ST Helena Scott #25 1882 1p on 6p (Brown Red) Perf 14x12 1/2 WMK 1- Mint Hinged
Malta Scott #3 1863-80 Victoria 1/2p (Yellow) - Used
US #213 1887 Washington 2 Cents (Green)- Mint Light Hinged
ST Helena Scott #13 1864-73 2p on 6p (Yellow) Perf 12 1/2 WMK 1- Used
Turks & Caicos IS. SG #104Aw 1900 2 1/2d WMK 2 (Inverted) - Mint Light Hinged
US #3510-3519 Legendary Playing Fields- Pane of 20 34 Cent -Mint Never Hinged
Great Britain #70 (Plate 15) 1876-80 4d (Pale Olive Green) Used
Great Britain Scott #58 (Plate 10) 1870 1/2p (Rose) - Mint Hinged
Falkland IS. Dependencies-Scott #1L13 1949 2 1/2d (Deep Blue) Mint Never Hinged
Jamaica Scott #126 1938-51 George VI 2 Shilling - Mint Xxxlight Hinged
Turks & Caicos IS. Scott #78-89 1938-45 George VI Pictorials- Mint Light Hinged
US #C4 1923 Airmail 8c (Dark Green) - Used
Bechuanaland Scott #28 1888 1sh on 1sh Surcharge- Used
British Honduras Scott #49 1888 10c Revenue Overprint - Used
Hong Kong Scott #229-230 1966 WHO Headquarters Issue - Mint Light Hinged
Great Britain #O79 1903 1p (Carmine) Admiralty Overprint Narrow M Type -Used
Great Britain Scott #82 (Plate 22) - 1880-81 2 1/2p (Ultra) WMK 30 - Used
Great Britain Scott #58 (Plate 8) 1870 1/2p (Rose) - Mint Light Hinged
Great Britain Scott #80 1880-81 Victoria WMK 30 1 1/2p (Red Brown) - Used
Antigua Scott #107-121 1953-56 Qeii Pictorials - Mint Xlight Hinged
Falkland IS Scott #33A 1912-14 2 1/2p (Dark Ultra- WMK 3-Perf 14) Mint LH
British Virgin IS. Scott #69-72 1935 George V Silver Jubilee- Mint Hinged
Kenya Uganda Tanganyika- Scott#81 1938-54 George VI 2sh- Perf 13 1/2x13- MH
Canada Scott #131-134 1915-24 Admiral Coils- Perf 12 Horizontal- Mint NH/Hinged
Great Britain Scott #94-95 1883 Surcharges - Used
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