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US and Worldwide Stamps and Covers featuring the Classic Era 1840-1940.
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US 1930 50c to $5 Postage Dues, Scott J76, J77a, J78, value = $2.70
US 1894 5c Grant, Scott 255 used, value = $9.00
US 1913 10c dark green Parcel Post Postage Due, Scott JQ4 used, value = $40.00
Spain 1873 5c rose Amadeo, Scott 178 used, value = $5.75
US 1890 10c green Webster, Scott 226 used, value = $5.00
Hatay 1939 10s on 20pa to 2 1/2ku on 4ku Surcharges, Scott 1-8 MH and used
Cuba 1873 12 1/2c dark green Amadeo, Scott 54 MH, value =$40
Great Britain 1884 1p lilac Victoria Official, Scott O4 used, value = $6.50
Mexico 1938 Set of 6 Planning & Housing Congress Airmail Scott C85-C90 MH & used
Great Britain 1862 4p vermillion Victoria, Scott 34 used, Plate 4, value = $65
Great Britain 1865 4c vermillion Victoria, Scott 43 used, Plate 8, Position NE
Great Britain 1887-92 4p brown & green Victoria Jubilee, Scott 116 used
Ireland 1984 Souvenir Sheet of 4 Railways, Scott 584a MNH, value = $5.50
France 1850 10c bister on yellowish Ceres, Scott 1 used, value = $210.00
US 1879 3c brown Postage Due, Scott J3 used, value = $6.00
Memel 1920 Short Set of 7 Overprints, Scott 1, 3, 5, 7-10 MH, value = $5.35
US 1902 10c ultramarine Bicycle Special Delivery, Scott E6 used, value = $10.00
Kuwait 1939 10r rose carmine & dark violet Overprint, Scott 56 MNH, value = $80
Kuwait 1939 5r deep ultramarine & dark green Overprint, Scott 55 MH
Kuwait 1939 2r dark brown & dark violet Overprint, Scott 54 MH, value = $5.00
Kuwait 1939 1r brown & slate Overprint, Scott 53 used, value = $8.75
Kuwait 1939 8a Mail Lorry Overprint, Scott 51 MH, value = $17.50
Kuwait 1939 6a Mail Steamer Overprint, Scott 50 MH, value = $16.00
Kuwait 1939 3a yellow green Dak Tona Overprint, Scott 48 MH, value = $6.00
Kuwait 1939 2a scarlet Dak Runner Overprint, Scott 47 MH, value = $4.50
Kuwait 1939 1a carmine Overprint, Scott 46 MH, value = $4.25
Kuwait 1939 1/2a brown Overprint, Scott 45 MH, value = $4.25
French Guiana 1938 1.75fr + 50c Curie Issue, Scott B3 MH, value = $13.50
French Guiana 1915 10c + 5c Semi-Postal, Scott B2 MH, value = $1.60
French Guiana 1939 Set of 2 World's Fair, Scott 169-170 MH, value = $2.60
French Guiana 1929 20fr indigo & vermillion Building, Scott 151 MH
French Guiana 1925-27 65c, 85c & 90c Surcharges, Scott 102-104 MH, value = $5.00
French Guiana 1929-40 90c, 1fr & 1fr Pictorials, Scott 131, 133, 135 MH & used
French Guiana 1929-40 1.25fr to 1.75fr Pictorials, Scott 139-143 MH
French Guiana 1929-40 60c to 75c Pictorials, Scott 126-129 MH & used
French Guiana 1929-40 30c to 50c Pictorials, Scott 119, 121-124 MH
French Guiana 1929-40 1c to 25c Pictorials, Scott 109-117 MH, value = $2.80
French Guiana 1929-40 2fr to 5fr Pictorial High Values, Scott 145-149 MH
French Guiana 1937 Set of 6 Paris International Expo Issue, Scott 162-167 MH
French Guiana 1925 Set of 4 Postage Due, Scott J1-J4 MH, value = $4.30
French Guiana 1929 Set of 9 Postage Due, Scott J13-J21 MH, value = $12.05
Greece 1906 40 l Olympics, Scott 192 used, value = $2.75
Greece 1906 1d Olympics, Scott 194 used, value = $13.00
Greece 1906 50 l Olympics, Scott 193 MH, value = $10.00
US 1893 15c dark green Columbian, Scott 238 used, value = $72.50
Nova Scotia 1860-63 10c vermillion Victoria, Scott 12 MH, value = $15.00
Nova Scotia 1860-63 8 1/2c green Victoria, Scott 11 used, value = $22.00
Nova Scotia 1860-63 5c blue Victoria, Scott 10 used, value = $12.00
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