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Precancels Perfins & More
An unusual and eclectic mix - Precancels & Perfins, obviously, with an assortment of other philatelic items as well, including revenues, hunting/fishing stamps, etc.
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MNH US Bureau Precancels: CA; Los Angeles #1397a–81 14¢ La Guardia Issue
US Stamps: #4731-34; 33c 2013 Apples Coil Issue; #S11111 PNC5; MNH
CA Precancels: Santa Barbara 463; Better Type CV $20; 30c 1922 Definitive #569
MNH US Bureau Precancels: IL; Chicago #1617a–81 10¢ Americana Line Pair (S Gum)
US Stamps: #4749; 46c 2013 Patriotic Star Coil Issue; #S111 PNC5; MNH
US Bureau Precancels: VA: Hampton; #1614-87; 7.7¢ coil 1975 Issue; PSS CV $1
US Bureau Precancels: IL: Chicago; #1596-85; 13¢ Americana; PSS CV $3.50
US Stamps: #2150a; 21.1c Envelopes Coil (ZIP+4 Precancel); #111111 PNC5; MNH
US Bureau Precancels: TX: Dallas; #1041-75; 8¢ 1954 Liberty; PSS CV $1.50
US Bureau Precancels: CO: Denver; #1046-71; 15¢ 1954 Liberty; PSS CV $1.50
US Stamps: #212; 1c Ultramarine 1887 Banknote Definitive Issue (Franklin); MNH
US Bureau Precancels: WI: Sheboygan; #598-43; 2¢ coil 1923 Issue; PSS CV $125
MNH US Bureau Precancels: IA; Nevada #1615Cd–81 8.4¢ Americana Coil Pair
US Stamps: #2608; 23c USA/Presort First Class Coil; #S111 PNC5; MNH
US Bureau Precancels: VA: Richmond; #1618-71; 13¢ coil Americana; PSS CV $2.50
NC Precancels: Hickory 266; Better Type ($1.50); 2c 1954 Liberty Issue #1033
US Stamps: #4722-25; 46c 2013 Kaleidoscope Flowers Coil Issue; #S11111 PNC5; MNH
US Stamps: #2150; 21.1c Envelopes Coil Issue; #111111 PNC5; MNH
US Bureau Precancels: PA: Pittsburgh; #694-61; 13¢ 1926-31; PSS CV $2
US Stamps: #4613-4617; 45c 2012 Weather Vanes Coil (S/A); #S111111 PNC5; MNH
US Stamps: #2605; 23c Flag/Presort First Class Coil; #A212 PNC5; MNH
US Stamps: #2128a; 8.3c Ambulance 1860s Coil (Precancel); #4 PNC5 Gap 1R; MNH
US Bureau Precancels: CO: Denver; #641-42; 9¢ 1926-31; PSS CV $5
MNH US Bureau Precancels: KS; Topeka #1615Cd–87 8.4¢ Americana Coil Pair
US Stamps: #319F; 2c Type II 1903 Shield Issue (Washington) Definitive; MNH
US Bureau Precancels: AL: Birmingham; #597-44; 1¢ coil 1923; PSS CV $5
US Stamps: #273; 10c 1895 Small Banknote Definitive (Webster); MNH
NC Precancels: Wadesboro 482; Better Type ($5); 3c 1932 Stuart Issue #720
US Bureau Precancels: TX: Dallas; #1596-85; 13¢ 1975 Issue; PSS CV $4
US Bureau Precancels: TX: Dallas; #1294-81; $1 Prom. Amer.; PSS CV $2
US Bureau Precancels: Los Angeles, CA, #828-71; 24¢ 1938 Prexy; PSS CV $2
US Bureau Precancels: IN: Indianapolis; #1229-71; 5¢ 1962 Wash. Coil; PSS CV $1
US Bureau Precancels: SC: Greenwood; #1055-71; 2¢ coil Liberty; PSS CV $1.50
US Bureau Precancels: VA: Richmond; #1596-85; 13¢ Americana; PSS CV $2.50
US Bureau Precancels: GA: Atlanta; #1520-81; 10¢ coil Jeff. Mem.; PSS CV $1
MNH US Bureau Precancels: MA; Boston #1304a–71 5¢ Prominent American Coil
US Bureau Precancels: OH: Dayton; #1279-81; 1¼¢ Prom. Amer.; PSS CV $1
US Stamps: #3404-3407; 33c Berries Vert. Coil; Strip of 4 w/Plate # (G1111); MNH
US Bureau Precancels: NC: Greensboro; #1283B-81; 5¢ rev'sd Prom Amer.; ...
US Bureau Precancels: FL: Miami; #1213-71; 5¢ 1962 Washington; PSS CV $1
US Bureau Precancels: NC: Greensboro; #1294-81; $1 Prom. Amer.; PSS CV $2
NC Precancels: Winston-Salem 748; Better Type ($1); 1c 1965 Prom Amer Coil #1299
US Stamps: #CVP32; [29c] Flags/Banners Coil (Computer Vended); #A11 PNC5; MNH
US Stamps: #2607; 23c USA/Presort First Class Coil (Shiny Gum); #1111 PNC5; MNH
US Stamps: #264; 1c 1895 Small Banknote Definitive (Franklin); Mint No Gum
US Stamps: #1901; 5.9c Bicycle 1870s Coil Issue; #3 PNC5; MNH
US Stamps: #2128a; 8.3c Ambulance 1860s Coil (Precancel); #2 PNC5 Gap 0; MNH
US Bureau Precancels: NY: Burlington Flats; #839-63; 1¢ coil Prexy; PSS CV $1
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