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Precancels Perfins & More
An unusual and eclectic mix - Precancels & Perfins, obviously, with an assortment of other philatelic items as well, including revenues, hunting/fishing stamps, etc.
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Indochina Stamps: 1937 Colonial Arts Issue #199; Souvenir Sheet/1; OG
Japan Stamps: 1951 Maeshima Issue #510a; Souvenir Sheet/4; MNH
Cochin China Stamps: #5; 1888 15c (x2) on 30c French Colonies; Unissued; MH
Philippines Stamps: 1943 'Independence' #NB4; Souv. Sheet/3; First ...
Japan Stamps: 1938 Nikko National Park Commems #280-283; Set of 4; MNH
Korea Stamps: 1966 Christmas/New Years #547a/548a; Two Souv. Sheets/1; MNH
Laos Stamps: 1984 Olympics Issue #435; Souvenir Sheet/1; MNH
Philippines Stamps: 1959 Boy Scouts Issue #CB3a; Souv. Sheet/5; MNH
Nepal Stamps: 1975 Coronation Issue #301a; Souvenir Sheet/3 + Label; MNH
Philippines Stamps: #1693-1698; 1984 Butterflies Issue; Set of 6; MNH
Philippines Stamps: 1976 US Bicentennial Ovpt #C108; Souv. Sheet/4; MNH
Maldive Islands Stamps: 1977 QE II 25th Anniv. #668; Souvenir Sheet/1; MNH
Maldive Islands Stamps: 1980 Queen Mother #875; Souvenir Sheet/1; MNH
Japan Stamps: #313-314, 1940 Education Issue; Blocks of 4;Set of 2; MNH
Laos Stamps: 1982 World Cup Soccer Issue #385; Souvenir Sheet/1; MNH
Korea Stamps: 1961 Tuberculosis Prevention #332; Souvenir Sheet/1; Used
China (Peoples Republic) Stamps: 1993 Bamboo Issue #2448; Souvenir Sheet/1; MNH
Bhutan Stamps: 1974 UPU Centenary #C30; Airmail Souvenir Sheet/1; MNH
Philippines Stamps: 1944 Heroes Monuments Issue #NB8; Souv. Sheet/3; NGAI
India Stamps: 1973 INDIPEX Stamp Show #599a; Souvenir Sheet of 4; MNH
Mongolia Stamps: 1932 Pictorial Issue #62-66 (Short Set); MH
India Stamps: #153a; 1a 1937-40 King George VI; Tete-Beche Pair In Strip/4; MNH
Sri Lanka Stamps: 1976 Native Flowers Issue #498a; Souvenir Sheet/4; MNH
Bangladesh Stamps: 1980 Queen Mother Birthday; #197-198; Mini Sheets/10 (2); MNH
Japan Stamps: 1961 Cherry Blossoms Issue (Sheet & Coil) #725-726; MNH
Bangladesh Stamps: 1980 Queen Mother Birthday; #198a; Souvenir Sheet/2; MNH
India Stamps: Feudatory States, Bundi: #O33 ¼a 1918 Official; Sheet of 4; NGAI
Philippines Stamps: 1974 Orthopedic Association #1249; Souvenir Sheet/10; MNH
Pakistan Stamps: 1974 UPU Issue; #373a; Souvenir Sheet/2; MNH
Nepal Stamps: 1969 Flowers Issue #224-227; Full Sheet of 16; MNH
Philippines Stamps: #C72a; 1950 Lions Club Airmails; Souvenir Sheet of 2; MNH
Hong Kong Stamps: 1980 Queen Mother 80th Birthday #364; Block of 9, MNH
Japan Stamps: 1975 Trains Issue (D52/C58) #1190-91; Full Sheet of 20; MNH
Philippines Stamps: 1974 Orthopedic Association #1249; Imperf Souv. Sheet/10 MNH
Japan Stamps: 1975 Broadcast Corp. Issue #1207; Full Sheet of 20; MNH
Afghanistan Stamps: 1961 Teachers Day; #545-546 var; Perf. Souvenir Sheet/2; MNH
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