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Hong Kong Scott 258 Used Hinged
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Hong Kong Scott 650a Unused Hinged
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Japan Scott B12 - B17 Unused NH
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Brunei Used Scott 19
India Soruth Unused LH Scott 22b - Note - See Comments about spot on stamp
India Cochin Used Scott O52 - O53
Hong Kong Unused HInged Scott 175
India used Scott 801 w/scratch on face of stamp
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Bahawalpur Scott # 18 - 21 Unused NH
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Brunei Unused Hinged Scott 51
Pakistan Scott 176 - 177 Unused NH
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Vietnam North Scott 84 Used
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Korea Scott 863A Unused NH
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Hong Kong Scott 511 - 514 Unused Hinged
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Hong Kong Scott 651Al Unused Hinged
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Indonesia Scott 550 - 573 Used Hinged - See listing for all images
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India used Scott 1200
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India used 5r 1986 World Philatelic Exhibition stamp
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India Cochin Used Scott O62
India Kishangarh Unused Hinged Scott 16a Block of four w/no gum
India Vietnam International Commission in Indo-China Unused NH Scott 6 - 10
India Scott 280 Unused NH wmk 196
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India Cochin Used Scott O81 and O84 - O86
Brunei Unused Hinged Scott 5
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Labuan Scott # 102 Unused Hinged
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Malaya - Penang - Scott # 27 Unused Never Hinged
Hong Kong Scott 302 - 303 Unused Hinged
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India used Scott 806
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India used Scott 900
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Brunei Unused NH Scott 156 - 158
India used Scott 382
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Hong Kong Scott 399 Used Hinged
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Hong Kong Scott 618a Unused Hinged
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Japan Scott # 1678a Unused NH
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Korea Scott # 894a Souvenir sheet Unused NH
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India used Scott 1516
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India Scott 263 Unused Hinged
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India Paliala Unused LH Scott O52 w/pencil marks on the back
India Bhopal Used Scott O46 , O49 and O50 w/damaged perfs
Indonesia Scott 1L44 Unused Hinged
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India Indore Used Scott O62
Hong Kong Scott 151 and 153 Unused Hinged
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Hong Kong Unused NH Scott 799 - 802
India used Scott 892
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Brunei Unused Hinged Scott 49 w/toning
Brunei Unused Hinged Scott 15
Malaya Selangor - 1953 Coronation Issue Scott # 101 Unus...
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Korea Scott # 291B Souvenir sheet Used NH
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