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BELGIUM 1933, Sc# B147-B150, CV $230, part set, Against Tuberculosis, MH
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BELGIUM 1893, Sc# 72, CV $20, King Leopold, Used
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BELGIUM 1866, Sc# 24a, CV $45, Coat of arms, MH
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BELGIUM 1954, Sc# O57, CV $40, King Baudouin, MH
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BELGIUM 1959, Sc# B641-B646, CV $25, Red Cross, MH
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BELGIUM 1917, Cover from Brussels to Ghent, German Occupation, WWI
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BELGIUM 1944, Stempless postcard from City of Brussels
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BELGIUM 1936, Cover from Antwerp to New York USA
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BELGIUM, Service postcard Ministère des Travaux Publics, Unused
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BELGIUM 1919, Stempless military cover from Namur
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BELGIUM 1916, Cover to Amsterdam, WWI
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BELGIUM 1942, Censored cover to Berlin Germany
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BELGIUM 1918, Lettercard to London England, WWI
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BELGIUM 1916, Pre-stamped letter card Mi #K1, German occupation, Unused
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BELGIUM 1917, Pre-paid postcard, German occupation, censored, WWI
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BELGIUM 1915, Censored Pre-stamped postcard to Germany, German occupation, WWI
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BELGIUM 1918, Registered cover from Brussel, German occupation, Fieldpost, WWI
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BELGIUM 1915, Cover used at temporary seat of Belgian Government in France
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BELGIUM 1916, Pre-stamped postcard Mi #P1, German occupation, Unused
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BELGIUM 1915, Censored cover to Switzerland, German occupation, WWI
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BELGIUM 1918, Censored pre-paid postcard to Brussels, censored, WWI
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BELGIUM 1916, Cover to Bruges, German occup., "Stage inspection Gent" mark, WWI
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BELGIUM 1917, Pre-paid postcard, German occupation, censored, WWI
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BELGIUM 1948 Sc #378 with Luxemburg postage due stamps
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BELGIUM, Advertising postcard to Luxembourg, 'Jules Waucquez & Cie'
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BELGIUM 1917, Pre-paid postcard from Antwerp, German occupation, censored, WWI
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BELGIUM 1916, Censored postcard Luttich, WWI
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BELGIUM 1917, Cover to Bruges, German occup., "Stage inspection Gent" mark, WWI
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BELGIUM 1915, Card-letter to Holland, Lager post POW, Fieldpost
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BELGIUM 1915, Censored pre-paid postcard to Berlin with answer, censored, WWI
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BELGIUM 1916, Pre-stamped postcard, Inspection mark Gent, German occupation, WWI
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BELGIUM 1917, Pre-paid postcard, German occupation, censored, WWI
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BELGIUM 1956, Sc #B586-B588, Mozart, MNH
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BELGIUM 1946, Sc #B417-B425, Museum in Louvain, MH/MNH
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BELGIUM 1893-1900, Scott #60-75, CV $607, 'King Leopold', part set, MH
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BELGIUM 1951, Sc #B503-B510, CV $65, Castles, MNH
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BELGIUM 1937, Sc #B189-B196, CV $45, Queen Astrid & Prince Baudouin, MNH
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Belgium 1879, Sc#Q1-Q4,Q6, CV $57, Used
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BELGIUM 1959, Sc #B647-B652, Order of the Golden Fleece, MH
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BELGIUM 1952, Sc #B512-B513, CV $41, part set, MH
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BELGIUM 1953, Sc #B544-B546, CV $73, Bureau of Childhood and Youth, MH
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BELGIUM 1935, Sc #B166-B168, Stagecoach, MNH
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BELGIUM 1956, Sc #496-497, Europa Issue, MH
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BELGIUM 1938, Sc #B225-B232, CV $70, Prince Albert of Liege, MNH
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BELGIUM 1947, Sc #B442-B446, CV $29, Coats of arms, MH
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BELGIUM 1952, Sc #B515-B520, CV $115, Portraits, MH
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BELGIUM 1858, Sc#9, CV $125, No wmk, Used
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BELGIUM 1927, Sc #B64-B68, Boat Adrift, MNH
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