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Saint Kitts-Nevis 99-104, MNH, 300th Anniversary of Anguilla Settlement
Nukulaelae 61-62, MNH imperf., Prince Andrew and Sarah Royal Wedding pairs
Vaitupu 65-66, MNH imperf., Prince Andrew and Sarah Royal Wedding blocks
Nukufetau 58-59, MNH imperf., Prince Andrew and Sarah Royal Wedding blocks
Ivory Coast 913, postally used, Tribal Drums
Nui 63-64, MNH imperf., Prince Andrew and Sarah Royal Wedding blocks
Djibouti 792, MNH, Red Sea Fish
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Niutao 51-52, MNH imperf., Prince Andrew and Sarah Royal Wedding blocks
Nanumea 65-68, MNH imperf., Prince Andrew and Sarah Royal Wedding blocks
Nanumaga 71-72, MNH imperf., Prince Andrew and Sarah Royal Wedding blocks
Funafuti 59-60, MNH imperf., Prince Andrew and Sarah Royal Wedding blocks
Mali 844 a-d, postally used,Lions International
Mali 731-734, postally used, Cooking Utensils
Ivory Coast 901f, postally used, Centennial of French Open, Margaret Court
Ivory Coast 898, postally used, History of Money
Djibouti 770, MNH, Bowl and Spoon (Traditional Objects)
Djibouti 768, MNH, Woman's Day
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Djibouti 748, MNH imperf., Traditional Costume
Angola 825-828, used, Medicinal Plants, Lubrapex '92
Djibouti 759, MNH, Children's Day
Djibouti 756, MNH, Flower
Rwanda 547, MNH, Fish: Congo Tetra
Saint Vincent 882-885, MNH, Flour Milling Industry
Saint Vincent 765-768, MNH, Los Angeles Summer Olympics, se-tenant pairs
Ivory Coast 705, postally used, Porcelain Rose
Romania 1815-1820, CTO, Chess Olympics in Havana
Ghana 25-27, MNH, Independence Overprints, additional values
Belize 795, MNH, 30th Anniversary of Disneyland souvenir sheet
Honduras C789-C792, MNH, World Wildlife Fund Spider Monkeys
Maldive Islands 1194, MNH, Long-nosed Butterfly Fish souvenir sheet
Saint Lucia 846-849, MNH, Royal Wedding of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson
Papua New Guinea 575-579, MNH, Coral
Papua New Guinea 566-569, MNH, Coral
Romania 2353-2371, CTO, Architecture
Burundi C216-C217, CTO, Apollo-Soyuz Space Mission blocks of 4
Benin 958, MNH, European Infantry Uniforms souvenir sheet
Gabon 942, MNH, 30th Anniversary of Apollo 11 souvenir sheet
Romania 3102-3117, CTO, Folk Art
Burkina Faso 739-742, MNH, Native Artisanal Heritage
Benin 1170-1175, MNH, Snakes
Benin C318, postally used, Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games
Turks and Caicos Is. 10, MNH, Ship wmk.multiple crown and CA
Cyprus 133, used, Queen's Window
Malawi 40a, LH, Butterflies souvenir sheet
Malawi 37-40, LH, Butterflies
Equatorial Guinea 7632-7638, MNH, Montreal Olympics, Water Events
Cook Islands 445-446, MNH, American Revolution and Captain Cook
Cambodia 1598-1603, MNH, Birds Express Mail Service
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