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Quality United States Postal History at a reasonable price. Stampless to 20th century; issues on cover, doane cancels, town postmarks, back of book, machine cancels, Confederate States and more.
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1885 Augusta ME 5 cent garfield cover to Germany [y7218]
1850s Milford MA #11A cover [h.4755]
1859 Wilmington DE to San Francisco mourning cover #32 10ct 1857 [f821.91]
1921 Harrison AR cover to Mexico 5ct pilgrim pair [H.2967]
1860s Canterbury DE #65 cover [S.3280]
1904 Equitable Life Assurance society New York ad cover [y4309]
1941 APO 803 censored airmail cover Trinidad to New York [y9896]
1850s Sacketts Harbor NY stampless cover black CDS and paid 3 rate [6526.450]
1850s Middleborough MA black CDS stampless cover paid 3 rate handstamp [6861.112
1837 PO Department auditor cover S.R. Hobbie to Cornwall VT [5247.101]
1870s Clinton NY 3ct banknote cover sectioned cork cancel [y4210]
1847 Mansfield MA manuscript stampless folded letter [h.6489]
1887 Sand Beach Michigan county postmark 2ct envelope return to sender [5790.178
1856 NY circular large integral 2 stampless Havana prices [5252.5]
1929 sound airways fairhaven MA dedication, races cover 1ct booklet pane [y9907]
1908 Wendell NH handstamp flag cancel on postcard #300 [4456]
1900 Philadelphia PA 5ct 1st bureau cover to France Barry machine [y9891]
1939 C24 30 cent winged globe first day cover L.W. Staehle cachet [y8109]
1 cent Columbian on cover of bound report Vermont [6157.15]
1960 France to USA postage due airmail cover [y9902]
c1859 Hussey local post 87L4 cover with advertising backstamp [6574]
1937 C21-22 china clippers flight cover SF to Macau [y9905]
1892 Elmira NY forwarded cover Carrcroft DE B&O RR [S.3699]
1899 Zanesville Ohio Star soap color ad cover with Hampden machine [y4028]
1898 Boston MA mismatched flag machine dial scarce! FRONT ONLY [2787]
1926 Chester PA unofficial FDC #627 sesqui 1st James Baxter cachet [y8114]
1904 Ellery IL RFD handstamp on cover #301 [6079.3]
1844 Lewistown IL green CDS stampless 4x rate [5806.8]
1899 United States Printing Company color ad cover Chicago flag cancel [y4039]
1893 San Francisco color ad cover Hicks-Judd Co. register book [y4106]
1908 Beloit OH duplex on postal card hand-drawn new year's card[h.5257]
c1868 Harrisburgh PA Pennsylvania Land Department allover cover [y2167]
c1860 Eastern RR Ms. #26 cover to Benton ME [S.2897]
1850s Anderson TX stampless cover paid 6 rate to CT [5809.10]
1850s Washington DC stampless free frank James Campbell postmaster general ST.23
c1870 Belle Plaine IA #114 3ct 1869 issue cover [SR.567]
1810 Washington DC stampless free frank Gideon Granger postmaster general [ST.15
1838 Cambridge to Chillicothe Ohio turned refolded stampless letter [5250.15]
1912 Washington DC Columbia machine repeater on consular cover Canada [4183]
1850s New Vernon NJ manuscript postmark U10 nesbitt envelope [y9877]
1870s Springfield IL E fancy cancel 3ct banknote cover RR corner card [6214.29]
1915 South Weymouth MA amatite roofing color ad cover [y4075]
1899 Pioneer Implement Co. ad cover Council Bluffs IA [y4207]
1860s Saybrook OH #65 cover CDS and circular grid cancel [y9870]
1959 William Wright handpainted cachet FDC Ernest Reuter 1136-7 champion liberty
1870s San Francisco CA 3ct banknote cover interesting cork cancel [H.3018]
1891 Nahant MA 5ct small banknote cover to England [y9887]
1958 William Wright handpainted cachet FDC Simon Bolivar 1110-1 champion liberty
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