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GREENLAND #Q8a (P11) 1kr, used w/oval Greenland cancel, F/VF, Scott $55.00
GREENLAND, 1963/86, PLATE NO. BLOCKS of 4, Group of 53 diff, og NH DAKA cat $365
GREENLAND #7/40, B2, Group of 8, used and LH, Scott $186.75
GREENLAND H1-5, Greenland's 1st 5 Booklets, Complete, NH, Facit $300.00
GREENLAND DAKA (DR6) Scott 80v, 87v, 1977, i.c. moller
GREENLAND (H20) 2004, Fredrika Mary Booklet, VF
GREENLAND #Q4a (P3) 10ore Pakke Porto, p. 12 ½ 3 sides, og, LH, XF, Facit $850.
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GREENLAND (H22) 2005, Mushrooms Booklet, VF, Facit $28.
GREENLAND #28-38 (28-41) Complete set, og, NH, VF, Scott $125.00
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GREENLAND THULE (T1-5) Complete set in Sheets of 50, og, NH, VF, Facit $2,400.00
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GREENLAND #Q4a (P3B) 10ore Pakke Porto, 1905, LH, nibbed perfs, Scott $750.00
EARLY GREENLAND on stock pages - NH, LH and used - Scott $584.00
GREENLAND #Q5v (P8v1) 15ore Pakke Porto “Ball by Bear’s Paw” variety, og, hinged
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GREENLAND 1948 Complete set #1-9 w/Pearyland cancel, quite scarce w/complete set
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GREENLAND #19-21 (19-21) 1,5,7ore Harp Seal, og, LH, VF, Scott $225.00
GREENLAND #Q7a (P10) 70ore Pakke Porto, og, NH, VF, Facit $780.00
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GREENLAND 1938, First Issue #'s1-5,7 tied IVIGTUT on FDC, addressed to Denmark
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GREENLAND #Q4b Q8a 10ore+1kr tied on piece by oval Styrelse cancel, VF
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GREENLAND (H2) 1990, 47kr Queen Margrethe, VF
GREENLAND (H15) 2001, Christmas - Ptormigans, VF
GREENLAND #Q3a 5ore Pakke Porto, pr. II, Blk, used w/Kolonien cxl Gronlund cert
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GREENLAND (H14) 2001, Cultural Heritage, VF, Facit $22.
GREENLAND #19-27 (19-27) Complete set w/Ovpt NH, Scott $1,350.00
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GREENLAND THULE (T1-5) Complete set, og, LH, VF
GREENLAND 1953, Type I Ivigtut cancels ties multi franked incl scarcer 30ore
GREENLAND #B2 (43v) Semi Postal showing “f under r” variety, used, VF Facit $45
GREENLAND #Q3 (P6) 5ore Pakke Porto, used w/Greenland Oval cancel, Scott $120.00
GREENLAND (H7) 1997, Christmas - Dogs/Sledge, VF
GREENLAND (H10) 1999, Snowy Owls, VF, Facit $20.00,
GREENLAND 1953, Type I Gronnedal cancel ties multi franked incl scarcer 30ore
GREENLAND #Q3, 5ore Pakke Porto, First Printing, og, LH, VF, Facit $600.00
GREENLAND Wow. 62.01 MESTERS VIG, 1959, 60ore tied on aerogram to Denmark, VF
GREENLAND #31a 15ore Fred IX, dull purple shade, Complete sheet of 100, NH, VF
GREENLAND #Q3 5ore Pakke Porto used w/purple oval cancel, Facit $145.00
GREENLAND #48-52 1ore-5ore Northern Lights, Complete set in Sheets of 100, NH,
GREENLAND Wow. 86.01 RAVNS STORO, 1961, 60ore tied on cover to U.S., rare
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GREENLAND (H13) 2000 Christmas- Candles/Star, VF
GREENLAND (H6) 1997, Queen Margreth/Butterflies, VF
GREENLAND 1978, Presentation Pack prepared by PO for Int’l Stamp show, sealed
GREENLAND #41-5 Complete set in sheets of 50, og, NH, VF, Scott $548.00+
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GREENLAND (H5) 1996, Christmas - GirlChildren, VF
GREENLAND (H9) 1998, Christmas - Dickey/Hat/Boots, VF,
GREENLAND #39-40, Complete Polar Bear Ovpt set, Margin Blks of 4, NH, Scott $304
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GREENLAND 1953, Multi franked incl scarcer 40ore polar bear tied Egedesminde
GREENLAND 1970, 19-27 Complete set of Liberation Ovpts Blks on Anniversay covers
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GREENLAND PLATE NO. BLOCK COLLECTION - 1972-1997, 211 Blocks, all NH Scott $2800
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GREENLAND (H4) 1996, Queen Margrethe/Orchids, VF
GREENLAND #Q3 (P6) 5ore Pakke Porto, 3rd printing, Block of 4, og, NH, VF+
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