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NEK Stamps
Features primarily older worldwide stamps, with a few covers and other oddities.
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Somali Coast Scott C20, 1956 500F Air Mail, VF Mint VLH. Scott $67
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Austria Scott 340-353, 1932 Small Scenes VF MLH. Scott $198
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Italy Scott C79-C83, 1935 Bellini Airs, F/VF MLH. Scott $82
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Germany Michel 32.4, 1933 Booklet Scott 398, 399 Bklts, VF MNH. Michel Euro250
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Italy Aegean Islands Scott C14, 1932 da Vinci Air Mail, F/VF MNH. Scott $47
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Netherlands Indies Scott 1, 1864 King William III 10c imperf, VF MLH Scott $450
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Sweden Scott 592, 1961 10Kr Rune VF MNH, Scott $20
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Belgium Scott Q337, 1952 300F Electric Locomotive VF MVLH Scott $150 as MNH
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France Scott 226b, 1925 Paris Philatelic Exhibition Single, VF MH. Scott $125
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French Morocco Scott 8, 1900 2P on 2F surcharge, F/VF MLH. Scott $240
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Switzerland Scott 226, 1934 NABA SS , VF MLH in Margin. Scott $500
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Germany Scott B143, 1939 Automobile Race O/P with VW Beetle, VFU. Scott $26.
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Danzig Scott J63 1939 10 pf Postage Due, WMK Swatikas, VF Used Scott $62.
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French Polynesia Scott C24-5, 1958 Women of Tahiti 13F, 50F VF MNH. Scott $27.
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Italy Scott 400-409, 1938 , F/VF MLH. Scott $89
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Gibraltar Scott 72, 1912 KGV 2/, VF Used. Scott $4.50+
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Monaco Scott B36-50, 1940 Semi-Postal Surcharges, VF MNH. Scott $240
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Germany Scott 664a, 1949 Hanover Fair SS, VFU. Scott $180.
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Malta Scott 64, 1919 "Malta" 2/6, VF MLH Scott $82
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Netherlands Antilles Scott CB1-8, 1941 air semis, VF MNH Scott $256 as hinged
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Liechtenstein Scott C7, 1931 Zepp 1F Air Mail, VF Used Scott $125.
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Norway Scott 21, 1873 7 Skilling Posthorn F/VF Used. Scott $70
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Hungary Scott B18-B34, 1914 FJI semi-postals, F/VF MH Scott $104
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France Scott 348a, 1938 50F VF Used. Scott $77
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Macao Scott 352 1951 Holy Year, VF MNH. Scott $45
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Italy Scott 594-596, 1951 Verdi, VF MNH. Scott $55
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Reunion Scott C14-C17, 1943 France Libre O/P air mails, VF MH
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Iceland Scott C3, 1930 Gyrfalcon Air Mail, VF Used. Scott $75
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Denmark Scott 258-261, 1937 25th Anniversary KCX, VF MNH. Scott $42
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Lithuania Scott 277H-277K, 1933 Orphans Imperf Top Values. VF MNH. Scott $13
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Belgium Scott C12, 1949 Centenary of Belgian Stamps, VF MNH Scott $47
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Malta Scott 41, 1911 KEVII 5/, F/VF Used Scott $87
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Portugal Scott 528-533, 1933 St. Anthony, F/VF MLH. Scott $179
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Belgium Scott 466, 1958 King Baudouin 9 Fr, VF MNH Scott $95
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Greenland Scott Q3, 1918 5 ore Parcel Post Perf 11.5, VF MNH. Scott $250
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Netherlands New Guinea Scott B1-3, 1953 Flood Relief, F/VF MNH Scott $36
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Norway Scott B59--B61, 1957 North Cape Semis, VF MNH. Scott $21
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Belgium Scott Q338-340, 1953 Parcel Post Workers Surcharges, VF MNH. Scott $100
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St. Pierre and Miquelon Scott J66, 1942 F N F L O/P VF MNH. Scott $32 as MH
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Somali Coast Scott 32, 1902 10c on 10Fr surcharge, VF Used. Scott $32.
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France Scott B157a, 1943 Petain Strip, VF MLH. Scott $110 as never hinged.
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Portugal Scott 534-539, 1933 Nuno Alvares Pereira F/VF MLH. Scott $298
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Belgian Congo Scott 26, 1894 5 Franc Chief and Wife, VF Used. Scott $40
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Macao Scott 368-70, 1953 Statue Virgin Mary, VF MNH. Scott $44
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Portugal Scott 682a, 1947 Regional Costumes SS, VF, MNH. Scott $250
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Iceland Scott 273, 1952 Parliament, VF MNH. Scott $210
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FS&AT Scott C5, 1963 Telestar 50F Air Mail, VF MNH Scott $29
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Poland Scott B41 Var, 1939 Last Stand Westerplatte, VF MNH Scott $30 as hinged
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