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Unmounted mint GB Stamps - from QV - QEII
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½d 1957 Graphite (W) 5 Vertical Delivery Coil Leader with 4 stamps attached MINT
St Edwards Crown 2d (V) 4 Vertical Delivery Coil leader with 4 stamps MINT
A memento to the english one pound note scotch videocasts no. DX68 217394
Dec 1968 Sg QP44 6/- Great Crested Grebe GPO stitched Booklet - complete
Pre-decimal Machin 4d PVA 2B Head A Perf (F/L) Cylinder 4 No Dot U/M
October 1970 Golden Eagle Sg QP55 6/- GPO Booklet - unmounted mint
November 1969 Cormorant QP51 6/- GPO Booklet - unmounted mint
July 1968 Kingfisher QP39 6/- GPO Booklet - unmounted mint
Page of "almost" phosphor varieties - See Description - UNMOUNTED MINT
Pre-decimal Machin 3d PVA 2B Head A Perf A Cylinder 3 Dot - MNH
Pre-decimal Machin Deep sepia 4d Gum Arabic 2B Head A Perf F(L) Cyl 8 Dot
Pre-decimal Machin Deep sepia 4d Gum Arabic 2B Head B Perf F(L) Cyl 4 No Dot
Pre-decimal Machin 3d PVA 2B Head A Perf A Cylinder 4 No Dot - MNH
Pre-decimal Machin CLARET 6d PVA 2B Head A perf A Cylinder 5 No Dot - MNH
Pre-decimal Machin CLARET 6d PVA 2B Head A perf A Cylinder 5 Dot - MNH
Pre-decimal Machin 4d PVA 2B Head A Perf A Cylinder 4 No Dot
Pink floyd the division bell souvenir miniature sheet UNMOUNTED MINT/MNH
Gum Arabic 9d Pre-decimal Machin 2B head A perf A Cyl 2 dot UNMOUNTED MINT
Wilding Green Phosphor set 9 values UNMOUNTED MINT
Pre-decimal Machin 1/9 GA 2B Head A Perf A Cylinder 1A1B Dull Orange - MNH
Wildings Blue/White Phosphor set 12 values UNMOUNTED MINT
Wilding Violet 8mm Phosphor Upright set 9 UNMOUNTED MINT/MNH
Wales Cylinder Blocks in 1/4 sheets - set of 4 - 3d/4d/6d/1/3 crowns - U/M
½d Vermillion control Q imperf strip of 3 with variety unmounted mint/MNH
Gum Arabic 9d Pre-decimal Machin 2B head A perf F(L) Cyl 2 No dot U/M
½d Vermilion Jubilee control J perf corner pair - frame break UNMOUNTED MINT
Wilding Tudor Watermark Inverted Full set 5 UNMOUNTED MINT
½d Tudor watermark Vertical Delivery Coil leader W 9 UNMOUNTED MINT
Pre-decimal Machin 1/- Gum Arabic 2B head C Perf F(L) Cylinder 3 No Dot - U/M
Striking Proof of Pre Decimal Embossing & Gold Head Scarce mnh
½d Wilding Multi Crown on White Cyl 1 No Dot perf A(E/I) UNMOUNTED MINT/MNH
½d Vermilion Jubilee control I imperf corner pair - frame break - L.MOUNTED MINT
Christmas 1969 4d Bronzed Heads Variety Marginal Block of 12. Mint
Pre-decimal Machin BRIGHT MAGENTA 6d PVA 2B Head A perf A Cylinder 3 No Dot MNH
MS W121 2006 Assembly for Wales miniature sheet UNMOUNTED MINT/MNH
½d Vermilion Control Q perf pair with blind Q LIGHTLY MOUNTED MINT
½d Vermilion Jubilee control P imperf single with variety - UNMOUNTED MINT/MNH
½d Edward Crown watermark Vertical Delivery Coil leader W 11 MNH
½d Wilding Tudor Wmk Cylinder 3 Dot perf type A(E/I) UNMOUNTED MINT
½d Vermilion Jubilee control M imperf pair - broken control Lightly MOUNTED MINT
½d Vermilion Jubilee control J perf corner pair - frame break MOUNTED MINT
PVA 5d Pre-decimal Machin 2B head B perf A Cyl 15 dot UNMOUNTED MINT
PVA 7d Pre-decimal Machin 2B head B perf A Cyl 3 No dot UNMOUNTED MINT
½d Multi Crowns on Cream Complete Sheet Cyl 1 No Dot Perf C UNMOUNTED MINT/MNH
Pre-decimal Machin 6d PVA 2B Head A perf A Cylinder 3 Dot - MNH
Pre-decimal Machin 4d Vermilion PVA CB Head B Perf A Cylinder 16 Dot - MNH
Pre-decimal Machin 6d PVA 2B Head A perf A Cylinder 5 Dot Br. Reddish purple U/M
Pre-decimal Machin 6d PVA 2B Head A perf A Cylinder 5 No Dot Br. Red purple U/M
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