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Yemen 1961 SC# 116 MNH-OG L394
KUT 1949 SC# 94-7 Used L156
Ajman 1972 Mi# 1866-69 Bronze Statues CTO L395
Ajman 1972 Mi# 2207-11a Bronze Statues CTO L395
Tonga 1989 SC# 721-3 MNH-OG L384
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Sierra Leone 1990 Mars Landing SC# 1167-71 MNH-OG
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Khor Fakkan 1966 MI# 77-9 S/S MNH L189
Ajman 1972 Flowers CTO L395
Yemen 1961 SC#C20 Used L394
Australia 1959 SC# 314 MNH-OG L282-3
Ajman 1970 Mi# 525-30 Michelangelo Sistine Chapel CTO
Ras al Khaima 1968 Michel# 218-25 CTO L394
Canada 1972 SC#600 MNH-OG L378
Belize 1980 SC# 471-87 CTO L282-3
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Yemen Arab Republic 1968 MI# 998-1003 Olympiad Mexico CTO
Australia-South Australia 1871 SC# 65 Used CO2
Tristan da Cunha 1978 SC# 247-50a S/S MNH L189
Mauritius 1937 SC# 208-10 MNH-OG E28
Singapore 1955 SC# 37 Used
Yemen 1951 SC# C6 Used L394
Nigeria 1992 SC# 593 Used TS2
Western Australia 1905 SC#90 Used CO2
Ajman 1972 Mi# BL465B Tiziano Paintings CTO
Ajman 1972 Roses CTO L395
Ajman 1972 Violets CTO
St. Vincent 1985 SC# 874-7 Elvis M-LH L88
Australia 1959 SC# 318 MNH L282-3
Western Australia1902 SC#77 Used CO2
Cook Islands 1976 SC# 514-25 Sir Rowlands MNH L455
Antigua 1976 SC#446 MNH-OG CO1
Dominica 1951 SC# 137-40 MNH-OG E35
Ajman 1972 Violets CTO L395
Antigua 1973 SC# 322a MNH L282-3
Australia-Tasmania 1878 SC#61 Used CO2
Gilbert Islands 1978 SC# 313-6 MNH L282-3
Dominica 1974 SC# 406 Churchill MNH CH3
Kenya 1966 SC# 20-35 Used L156
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Nigeria 2003 SC# 757 Used TS2
Mauritius 1969 SC# 350,52-53 Used L156
Bangladesh 2000 SC# 602-5 MNH-OG E90
Bahamas 1965 SC#213 Used L394
Gilbert Islands 1979 SC# 321-4 MNH L282-3
Canada 1949 SC# 286 MNH L189
Australia 1985 SC# 960a-e Used L282-3
Anguilla 1977 SC# 271-4 MNH L282-3
Hong Kong 1973 Queen Elizabeth II SC#275 Used
Gilbraltar 1974 SC# 316-7 MNH L282-3
Mauritius 1910 SC# 141 Used L156
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