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SKV) 1993 MEXICO, 50th Anniversary of the National Social Security Institute
SKV) 1964 MEXICO, 1st 5th Anniversary of the declaration of human rights. Air, E
SKV) 1983 MEXICO, II Centenary of the birth of Simón Bolívar, 1783 - 1830, Paint
SKV) 1982 MEXICO, FOOTBALL, sport, World Championship. Spain, SCT 1278, mnh
SKV) 1963 VATICAN CITY, RELIGION, POPE, on registered mail sent to Argentina, wi
SKV) 1987 PARAGUAY, old Spanish ships, first day cover, Madrid naval museum, XF
SKV) RUSSIAN REPUBLIC, local stamp, complete sheet of classic sports cars
SKV) RUSSIAN REPUBLIC, local stamp, horses, 2 souvenir sheets
SKV) 1989 USA, LINCOLN DEBATES - DOUGLAS, United States coin stamp
SKV) 1945 GERMANY REICH, postal stationery, Hitler
SKV) 1920 GERMANY, postal stationery, internally circulated
SKV) 1882 MEXICO, Benito Juárez, 18cts, no surcharge, used, sct 137b mint
SKV) 1884 MEXICO, Miguel Hidalgo, 50cts, used, SCT 154
SKV) 1885 MEXICO, Miguel Hidalgo, medallion, 4cts, with cancellation, used, sct1
SKV) 1885 MEXICO, Miguel Hidalgo, 2cts, MINT, medallion, sct 166,
SKV) 1969 GERMANY, Pro youth. Horses, mnh (4)
SKV) 1962 GERMANY - Berlin, old city, Die Linden. 1650, first day cover, new, XF
SKV) 1994 MEXICO, brokenx boucle, popular idols of Mexican cinema, Pedro Armenda
SKV) 1989 GERMANY, Pro Youth. Circus, elephants, tightrope walker, clown, tent,
SKV) 1983 GERMANY, Pro Youth. Motorcycles, (4), mnh
SKV) 1985 ST. VINCENT, Musical instruments, 2 first day covers, new, XF
SKV) 1970 ROMANIA, ART, JOAN MIRÓ, PAINTER, souvenir sheet, MNH outlet $50
SKV) 1987 JERSEY, Europe issue, wolves and horses, first day cover, new
Skv) 1981 Mexico, Exports, Abalone, SCT 1117 MH
SKV) 1972 USA, honoring the Peace Corps, first day cover, new, XF
SKV) 1885 MEXICO, Miguel Hidalgo, medallion, 10cts, displaced, worn, sct 171
SKV) 1994 MEXICO, 50th Anniversary of the Committee for the Federal School Const
SKV) 1956 MEXICO, Centennial of the constitution of 1857, inscription "CONSTITU
SKV) 1983 MEXICO, CL Anniversary of the founding of the Mexican Society of Geogr
SKV) 1978 MEXICO, MUSIC, III Centenary of the birth of the composer Antonio Viv
SKV) 1983 MEXICO, MUSIC, I Centennial of the death of Ángela Peralta, 1845
SKV) 1984 GERMANY, 350th Anniversary of the Oberammergau Passion, MAXIMU
Skv) 1900 Germany Reich, Postal Entire, Germania, Xf
Skv) LOT of Banknotes From Different Countries and Different Values
SKV) 1940 GERMANY, postal stationery, Stamp Day, xf
SKV) 1943 GERMANY REICH, Surtax for winter relief, Oath taken by the Hitler You
SKV) 1885 MEXICO, Miguel Hidalgo, medallion, 10cts, used, sct171
SKV) 1885 MEXICO, Miguel Hidalgo, medallion, 5cts, used, sct 169
SKV) 1885 MEXICO, Miguel Hidalgo, medallion, 12cts, used, sct172
SKV) 1987 GERMANY, 750th Anniversary of the founding of Berlin, souvenir sheet
SKV) 2006 MEXICO, popular creation on sent from Mexico to Buenos Aires - Argenti
SKV) 1969 GERMANY, 125th Anniversary of Berlin Zoo, Bornean Orangutan, Dalmatian
SKV) 1882 MEXICO, Numerals, without surcharges, 2cts, mint, sct 146a
SKV) 1963 TOKYO, 64th Olympic Games, (4) mnh in the wallet
SKV) 1987 GERMANY, Centenary of "Esperanto", L. L. Zamenhof, 1859-1917. Invento
Skv) 1971 Fujeira, (5) Cto, Dogs and Cats, Mh
SKV) 1976 USA, postal stationery, bicentennial era the American craftsman, firs
SKV) 1999 MEXICO, 25th Anniversary of the federal state of Baja California Su
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