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Guyana (British Guiana)
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Guyana 1989 Butterflies 3v M/S of 25 Gold o/p Specimen Rotary, Lions Club
Guyana #901 Braille, Blindness, IYDP, Handicapped 1v M/S of 25
Guyana 1989 Butterflies 3v M/S of 25 RED o/p Rotary, Lions Club on 3v FDC
Guyana #1711 "Postage" Albino o/p Error on Orchids 1v M/S of 4
Guyana #837 Flowers, Girl Guides, Scouts 1v M/S of 25
Guyana #2520-2531 Columbus, Ships, Maps 12v Imperf Proofs in Folder
Guyana 1989 Butterflies 3v M/S of 25 Gold o/p Rotary Lions Club Scouts on 3v FDC
Guyana 1989 Butterflies 3v M/S of 25 Silver o/p Rotary, Lions Club on 3v FDC
Guyana #1729 Orchids Albino o/p Error Surcharge & "Postage" Inscription M/S of 4
Guyana MI #4528 Elvis Presley 1v Hologram Foil
Guyana #997 (SG#1514) Rotary 80th Anniversary o/p Human Rights UN 1v M/S of 25
Guyana 1989 Butterflies 3v M/S of 25 Red o/p Specimen Rotary, Lions Club
Guyana 1989 10¢ Butterflies M/S of 25 Silver o/p on Registered Commercial Cover
Guyana 1991 Butterflies, Rotary Imperf M/S of 16 with Surcharges RED o/p on FDC
Guyana #1696 Orchids 1v M/S of 4 "120" Albino o/p Error
Guyana #3189-3191 Hiroshige Art M/S of 6 & 2v S/S Imperf Chromalin Proofs
Guyana #3102-3105 Cats 2v M/S of 9 & 2v S/S Imperf Chromalin Proofs
Guyana 1989 Butterflies 3v M/S of 25 Silver o/p Rotary, Lions Club, Scouts
Guyana 1989 Butterflies 3v M/S of 25 Black or Greeen o/p Rotary, Lions Club
Guyana #2532 Maps, Columbus 1v S/S Imperf Proof
Guyana MI #4526 Elvis Presley 1v Gold Foil M/S of 4
Guyana 1990 Butterflies Black o/p Rotary 2v Imperf S/S on 2 FDC
Guyana 1990 Butterflies Red o/p Rotary 2v Imperf S/S on 2 FDC
Guyana 1994 Woodstock, Butterflies 1v Gold S/S Proof
Guyana #552 (SG#1013) Year of the Elderly, UN o/p on 1v M/S of 25 Rotary
Guyana #3189-3191 Hiroshige Art M/S of 6 & 2v S/S Black Imperf Chromalin Proofs
Guyana #1968-71 Orchids Inverted Surcharge & O/P Cross Gutter M/S of 4 M/S of 4
Guyana MI #BL403 Elvis, Automobiles, Motorcycles 1v Gold S/S o/p Specimen
Guyana #2558-2567 Easter, Art, Durer 8v & 2v S/S Imperf Chromalin Proofs Mounted
Guyana 1989 10¢ Butterflies M/S of 25 Red o/p on Registered Commercial Cover
Guyana #4527 Elvis Presley 1v Silver Foil M/S of 4 on 1v FDC
Guyana #1697 "Postage" and Surcharge Albino o/p Error Orchids 1v M/S of 4
Guyana #2534 Columbus 1v S/S Imperf Proof
Guyana 1989 10¢ Butterflies M/S of 25 Gold o/p on Registered Commercial Cover
Guyana 1989 15¢ Butterflies M/S of 25 Green o/p on Registered Commercial Cover
Guyana 1989 10¢ Butterflies M/S of 25 Black o/p on Registered Commercial Cover
Guyana MI #4527 Elvis Presley 1v Silver Foil M/S of 4
Guyana 1990 Women in Space Red o/p Rotary 4v Imperf on 1v FDC
Guyana 1994 Woodstock Crowd Scene 1v Imperf S/S, Gold Inscription o/p Specimen
Guyana MI #BL404 Elvis Automobiles Motorcycles 1v Silver S/S Proof
Guyana #580 (SG#1114) Rotary "1983" 1v M/S of 25
Guyana 1990 Butterflies 1v Cylinder Block of 4 with Red Inverted o/p on FDC
Guyana 1991 Butterflies 4v Imperf S/S Red o/p Rotary, Lions Club on 4 FDC
Guyana MI #BL403 Elvis, Automobiles, Motorcycles 1v Imperf Gold S/S o/p Specimen
Guyana MI #4527 Elvis Presley 1v Silver Foil Imperf M/S of 4 o/p Specimen
Guyana #C1 (SG#879) Dark Blue o/p Human Rights, UN on Rotary 1v M/S of 25
Guyana 1989 15¢ Butterflies M/S of 25 Red o/p on Registered Commercial Cover
Guyana 1989 15¢ Butterflies M/S of 25 Silver o/p on Registered Commercial Cover
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