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Lakeshore Philatelics
Canada - Germany - Better Worldwide Stamps - quality stamps fair prices
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Canada #032 M/S Plate PL#2 Blocks Mint VF NH - La...
2 days, 1h
Liechtenstein #356 Mint F-VFNH - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Croatia 1996 Europa Cept mini sheets VF NH scarce !
2 days, 1h
Yugoslavia 1996 Europa sheets Mint VF NH
2 days, 1h
Yugoslavia 1992 Europa sheet Mint VF NH
2 days, 1h
Isle of Man earlies Mint NH with favor cancels- Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Germany #172 tied by Berlin 21.8.22 pmk on local cover VF
2 days, 1h
Bulgaria 2009 Mint VF NH
2 days, 1h
Europa CEPT 1988 complete VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Bulgaria 1974 perf and imperf Europa sheets Mint VF NH
2 days, 1h
Ireland #106-17 Mint F-VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Germany/ Saar 1958 Europa sheets Mint VF NH - scarce !
2 days, 1h
Germany #686 used VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Romania 1974/75 Europa sheets Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Germany #683 Mint F-VF NH
2 days, 1h
Argentina lot Mint and used - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Argentina #24, 25 used VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h |
Belgium lot of sheets Mint VF NH with cancel - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Canada #103 Mint VF Centered- Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Portugal 1975 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Fr. Andorra Europa 1973 Mint VF NH
2 days, 1h
Canada 5 FDC VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Canada #54 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Portugal #747-8 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Germany #1 Used deep rich color CDS XF - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Canada 5 First Day covers - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
French Andorra Europa 1972 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
China, Singapore, etc mint NH and used- Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Canada J. Cartier FDC with scarce cancel - look - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Cuba 4 unaddressed FDC - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Berlin #9N61-63 Used F-VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Canada #102 Mint NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 1h
Canada Plate blocks Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
Canada #103 Mint VF
2 days, 2h
Switzerland #23Aa Used F-VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
World Mint VF NH Sheets- Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
Thurn&Taxis #42/58 used F-VF Cat 289.00 - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
France lot 1877/1900 used - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
Canada #60 mint V F - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
Sweden #199-201,207-9(2) ,212 used VF Cat 327 Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
Canada #176 Mint VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
Portugal Columbus sheets Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
Australia lot of Roos used - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
Sardinia #11j used XF Cat $480 -Lakeshore Phlatelics
2 days, 2h
Isle Man J1-8 Mint VF NH - Lakeshore Phikateics
2 days, 2h
Canada #57 mint VF - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
Canada # C1,C2,C3, CE1-2,CE3-4 NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
Canada #582-5, 582-5 tagged GT2 NH - Lakeshore Philatelics
2 days, 2h
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